Have a Pre TK, TK, or Kinder aged Child?

Reading Paths.webm

Why is Footsteps 2 Brilliance Helpful?

OUSD Parent Training

Parent Training Slideshow

Footsteps 2 Brilliance is a program with fun daily activities that prepare children for Kindergarten, reading, writing and developing critical thinking skills.

Parent Workshop Espanol.mp4

En Español

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Frequently Asked Questions

Which Program Should My Child Use?

¿Qué programa debería usar mi hijo?

What Should I Download First?


¿Que debo descargar primero?

Footsteps Email to Login.mp4

Registration: From Email to Login

You've registered and gotten the email, now what?

Footsteps: Student View.webm

Student View

Navigating Student Screens

Parent View.webm

Parent View

Navigating Parent Account

I Still Have Questions

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Or Visit Their Support Website by Clicking Image Above

OUSD's F2B Challenges!

Additional Challenges for Summer Reading and Writing -->