Rent the OYC!
We are happy to be able to rent the Youth Center during hours that it is not in use for classes, events, and meetings. For Oregon community members, the rental cost is $25 per hour, and for others it is $35 per hour. If you are curious which rate applies to you, contact us. In addition to the rental fee, we ask for a $250 deposit to reserve space, refundable after the rental. More details are included in the rental application below.
How to Reserve the OYC
Check OYC Rental Calendar if your date is available.
Complete the Rental Application (download for the fillable PDF)
Email a completed application to If you mail the application and deposit, please email Director Brandon with the dates so we can get them into the calendar.
Completed applications and deposit is needed on file for final approval. We do NOT cash the deposit check. After the rental we shred or return the check if everything is okay. You can drop off the deposit check during our open hours (Mon-Fri 3-6 pm) or mail to Oregon Youth Center, P.O. Box 124, Oregon WI 53575.
Space is only available to reserve during non-business hours.
OYC Hours of Operation:
School year: 3 pm - 6 pm when school is in session
Closed (and open for rentals) Saturday and Sunday
Summer: 12 pm - 5 pm Monday - Friday
Space will not be reserved until a signed contract and a deposit are on file (OYC will not “hold” dates or honor “pre-reservations”).
The person signing the contract must attend the entire event.
Application and deposit if required are due one week prior to the scheduled dates.
Reservation fees may be paid the week of the event, but must be paid prior to event start.
The person who signs the contract is responsible for all actions of their group. It is their responsibility to communicate rules and expectations of facility use to the rest of the organization or group.
Ongoing group reservations will be reviewed every six months to review contact information.
OYC is not responsible for any injuries.