COLDEX Feedback Portal

Succeeding as a center necessitates careful attention to each of our community members' experiences, opportunities for everyone to provide constructive feedback, and a willingness by COLDEX members to grow and make positive change in response to feedback. The aim of this feedback form is to provide all COLDEX community members with a mechanism to provide both positive and negative feedback to COLDEX. We also encourage any community member to submit suggestions, ideas, concerns, and information related to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) in the Center and to any aspect of the Center structure and community.  All input provides the Center information that helps us create meaningful change. COLDEX community members are always welcome to contact any member of the Feedback Review Committee (FRC, see below) directly if they prefer.

This simple webform is part of a larger process - not just a feedback survey - that will enable the community to make real change. This is a place to share experiences, describe problems, propose solutions, and recognize successes. Submissions can be about any ideas you’d like to share and/or observations related to meetings, research labs, field work, committees, or persons in COLDEX. This is not a place to share feedback about other institutions or organizations.  Please read through the sections on this page to make sure you understand the process and options before submitting your feedback (via the form linked at the bottom of the page) and email any FRC member if you have questions about the process.



what are my options for Anonymity and/or Confidentiality?

We understand the need for anonymity in some situations and will do our best to preserve anonymity and confidentiality when requested. Be aware that:

Submitters will have the following options for anonymity:

There are two alternative communication pathways for additional confidentiality or support:

What else should I keep in mind before submitting?

Who is on the Feedback Review Committee?

When fully staffed, the Feedback Review Committee (FRC) comprises three COLDEX Executive Committee members (the Director, the Managing Director, and the Director for DEI), two members of the DEI Committee (rotating every other year and may also be on the Executive Committee), one ECR Committee member, and one COLDEX staff member (the DEI Assistant). Members will have training and a demonstrated interest in advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion in the Center. The FRC will address issues together with the exception of cases where specific committee members cannot participate for legal reasons, due to conflicts of interest, or at the request of the submitter.  

Current FRC Members:

Actions of the FRC:

The FRC’s functionality will be assessed each year by Center leadership and as part of a question on Center feedback routes in the annual Sense of Belonging survey.

What happens when I submit a report?

The submission form is set up through one FRC member’s (the “Submission Manager”) Qualtrics account and responses are set to automatically be forward via email to the FRC member selected by the submitter (the “Selected FRC Member”).  This means the Submission Manager (currently the DEI Assistant, Stephanie Jarvis) will technically have access to the submission in full but will only look at those that she has been selected to process unless there are specific reasons (technical issues with the forwarding process, for example) that she must look at them.  If you are uncomfortable with this set up for any reason, please do not hesitate to contact the FRC member of your choice via email or phone to determine the best way to submit your feedback.

How does the FRC handle and store report documents?

All FRC files are stored in a Box folder that is only accessible to FRC members. The FRC will adhere to the following documentation and storage protocol when responding to a submission.

Quarterly updates to the COLDEX Executive Committee will be focused on Center-wide suggestions, patterns, and recommendations. The sharing of details of specific submissions will be minimal and will follow submission-specific anonymity requests.

What Other Resources might be of use to me?

Special thanks to the OSU College of Science (especially Kameron Kadookan and Henri Jansen) for sharing their framework for a successful feedback form and processes.