AudioLux: NanoLux

An LED Based Audio Visualizer for the Hearing Impaired


Senior Students

Vishnu K, Mac H, Luke G, Andrew G, Jordan M


Chett Udell




Have you, being a person hard of hearing, wanted to appreciate music? The Audiolux is a product developed by Portland-based company CymaSpace that visualizes music or other performing arts on LED strips, enabling the deaf and hard of hearing to participate in these events. The Audiolux One is a pre-existing product, so the goal of this project is to make improvements such as adding user configurable modes, increasing the number of visualization patterns on the LEDs, making configuration wireless, and improving accuracy of pitch detection. Please check out our Wiki for more user info.

Why use lights for music? 

Audiolux uses lights as another sensory form to bring music to people hard of hearing. Maybe you've heard of deaf people enjoying a concert while holding a balloon to feel the vibrations. Audiolux offers one more way to be able to perceive and enjoy music, making the joy of music accessible to a wider demographic.


Dev environment:

Windows (

Mac OS (

Linux (


You will also need to also install FastLED, ArduinoFFT Library. See Wiki Page for including dependencies in your project.

ArduinoFFT Library:

FastLED: (You can also find this in the /dependencies)


All dependencies are installable through the Library Manager of the Arduino IDE, or with the Arduino CLI tool.

Install Board

You will need to install the ESP32 board driver for developing on this board.

Install ESP32 Board: You will need to check the port connection with ESP32 Board.

Serial Connection with ESP32:

Memory model

After setting up the board, you will need to select a memory model with enough room for the libraries. In the Arduino IDE, go to Tools->Partition Scheme and make sure "No OTA (Large APP)" is selected.

Link to Github for source code and other info: