Randolph Union Middle School:

7th Grade Distance Learning

This site will serve as an information source for students and parents while we are out of the classroom.

Below you will find contact information and a suggested daily schedule for students.

The drop down menu in the upper right corner of this page will direct you to the information and assignments for English, Science, Social Studies, and Math organized by week.

Please do not hesitate to reach out to us at any point during this building closure. If you have access to email, you can email your teachers or use Google Calendar to set up a time to talk. Here is our contact information:

We know that you may have lots of additional responsibilities at home during this school dismissal. Please keep in close contact with your advisors and core teachers to let us know if you need more support to get your assignments completed. You will be assessed based on these assignments and we will be entering grades into Teacher Ease. Here are some tips that might be helpful for making distance learning work for you:

  • Create a study space that will work for you

  • Reward yourself - plan some fun treats for after you complete each assignment (possible examples: candy, social time with friends over facetime, etc.)

  • Make a regular schedule and stick to it but be flexible with when and how you are able to complete your assignments (some of you may not be able to complete your assignments during the typical school day and that’s okay)

  • Take timed breaks as needed and incorporate physical activity into your day

Suggested Daily Schedule Below: Click to see full document.

Sample Distance Learning Schedule