
A little information you may not know about me is that I grew up here and the reason I decided to come back after college was that my whole family is here and being an only child in a close knit family made me want to stick around and not miss out on any memories! My dad and I are twins when it comes to personality however my mom and I look exactly like twins if you look at pictures from her childhood! I am a huge dog lover! I got my first dog when I was in second grade and she lived till she was 13 years old. About 6 months later I convinced my dad to adopt our current dog, Bella. She is basically my child and she knows she can get anything out of me! If I could get another dog, for Bella to have a sibling, I would love to get a Great Dane! Besides hanging out with dogs, I also really enjoy spending my time reading, cooking, baking, and photography. A couple of the items on my "bucket list" are to see the northern lights, go to Australia, and go sky diving. Did I mention that I'm afraid of heights? That might be a factor when deciding to jump out of a plane. Anyways, that's a little about me on a personal level!

Bella on the day we rescued her.

Sasha, the very first dog I ever had.

Both of my wonderful parents!

A picture I took of one of my very good friends at my favorite spot in Wilmington!

I was out, taking pictures at my favorite spot in Wilmington, when I stumbled upon this couple and could not resist snapping this gorgeous picture!