What does “STAP Comm” mean? 

        It is an acronym for: Students, Teachers, Administrators and Parents COMMittee. 

STAP Comm is the student government at OPHS, but it is unique in that it involves a variety of people working together as a shared decision-making committee. 

Who are the members of STAP Comm? 

When does STAP Comm meet?

STAP Comm meets one Monday every month, at 7:00 pm in the High School Commons.  The agenda for these meetings is set on the Tuesday two weeks prior to the meeting, after school in room 163.   

So what happens at these meetings anyway?

As soon as you arrive at the meeting, be sure to sign in on the sheet at the front table.  Prior to any meeting information will have been emailed out to you (Monthly Minutes, Agenda, Budget).  The meetings begin promptly at 7:00 pm and vary in length.  We follow an agenda (the same as the one you’ll receive via email) and work our way through all the issues.  At the beginning and end of the meeting there is a time called “Public Speak-Out.”  This time is meant for brief announcements, suggestions, comments, etc.  Anyone can speak during Public Speak-Out, including guests.  If you have something to talk about, raise your hand and your name will be added to a list.   For more information, please see the officers or advisors in homeroom 163. 

Is it too late to get involved in STAP Comm?

Well, yes and no. Although it is too late to become a STAP Comm Officer or a Class Officer for this school year, there are still other ways you can

get involved!