District 97 Institute Day

October 6, 2017

Welcome to the District 97 October 6th Institute Day Site! At the top of the page, please find your grade level/department to locate your schedule for the day. Be sure to click "More" in the upper right if you don't see your group. You will also find information about parking and receiving IL Professional Learning hours.

Choice sessions in Sched are now locked.

Please remember to have your schedule bookmarked on a device or printed out, so you can easily find your session locations. You will need to sign in for each session and teachers will need to be ready to provide their IEIN. Teachers might want to create a “note” on your smartphone with your IEIN, so you always have it handy!

If you have any questions, please contact Emily Fenske, Director of Organizational Learning, at efenske@op97.org.

Please Note: Teaching Assistants will not be in attendance on this day.