
Specialist schedule:

Monday: Music

Tuesday: Library/Computers

Wednesday: Computers

Thursday: P.E.

Friday: Music

*Please dress appropriately for PE and wear good shoes for running.


This year we will be focusing on counting skills as well as building  foundational skills.

Reading & Knowledge

 There are all kinds of exciting things taking place in our room! We are practicing our letters and sounds, blending words, learning sight words, and lots of work on writing. We are also learning about history as well as our world in our knowledge times.

Book Orders:

If you would like to place an order, you may send in the order form with your student or place the order online.  Our online order code is NH99F.   Thank you!

About Mrs. Olsen:

I am so excited to be teaching kindergarten this year! I graduated from the University of Wyoming in 2015. My family and I moved back to Onalaska in 2016 and I began teaching in Onalaska. 

Outside of school, I enjoy family time, photography and running.

I am excited for our year of learning, laughing, and growing together! Welcome to kindergarten!

Contact Information:

Email: holsen@onysd.wednet.edu

Phone: (360) 978-4111 ext. 1