Welcome from Ms Yarrien, Head of Year 7

I would like to introduce myself as Miss Yarrien and I am Head of Year 7 at Onslow St Audrey’s School. After seeing out my Year 11s this summer, I am very excited to start with the younger years again and help your child to progress to the next stage of their education. 

With the transition from primary to secondary approaching fast, any anxieties regarding this new journey are of course understandable but I would like to remind you that this is still a very exciting phase for you and your child and we at Onslow St Audrey’s will be doing all we that we can to ensure a smooth process. 

We aim to strengthen the links between school, parent and student to make sure the very best academic and behavioural results are achieved. That being said, the new term will present your child with some challenges. The new journey, teachers, subjects, homework and friends will take a fair amount of getting used to before feeling comfortable. Some students will adapt quickly to all the changes, and we hope that your child is one of them but some will need to lean on the support systems that we have in place. As Head of Year, your child can always come to me with any concerns, as well as their form tutor and the pastoral support officers. 

Year 7s have to learn to take more responsibility for themselves with their homework and behaviour than they might be used to. Excellent learning is underpinned by excellent behaviour. We expect our students to show respect when interacting with other members of our school community and to uphold the reputation of the school in the local area. Getting into good habits, and being accountable for their actions, is something our students will be working hard to develop, and we very much appreciate support from parents with this.

Please take your time to navigate our Year 7 transition site to help best prepare you and your child for the next stage of their educational journey and look out for any communication from Onslow St Audrey’s as the term ends and over the summer holidays begin. We very much look forward to you and your child joining the OSA community in the coming months. 

Year 7 Tutor Groups

Mr Ahmed

Year 7

Mr Coombs

Year 7

Ms Rann

Year 7

Ms Grant

Year 7

Ms Nicholls

Year 7

Heads of Year Groups

Ms Yarrien

Year 7

Ms Wiggs

Year 8

Ms Cox

Year 9

Mr Millar

Year 10 & Year 11

New Year 7 Information


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