How do we allow space for our students, more importantly, what's the power of 'The PAUSE'? We often call it WAIT-TIME.

Some of us have heard of it, read about it, some brushed it as a waste of time, some of us put it into practice regularly, sometimes the pause is quite awkward (that's okay, we've been through).

It's important because it gives us space to think, wonder and refocus.

At Olive Trails RBKIS, the power of PAUSE is taken as a priority while teaching and learning. The teacher uses it as a technique to provide students with time during which they can think, discuss among their pairs or with adults around them or undertake any similar activity that allows them to clarify, assimilate and retain the material. It gives them time to focus without getting distracted. Sometimes it gets awkward but that silence or PAUSE is needed for them to be a thinker, to be knowledgeable, and to be balanced.