Message from our desk

Dear Parents,

Reading books aloud to children stimulates their imagination and expands their understanding of the world. It helps them develop language and listening skills and prepares them to understand the written word. Not only does regular reading help make your child smarter, but it can also actually increase their brain power. With age comes a decline in memory and brain function, but regular reading may help slow the process, keeping minds sharper longer. Reading just twenty minutes per day builds empathy for others, creates a strong vocabulary, and positively affects and boosts their mental and physical health. Successful readers read actively, read for meaning, and have a clear purpose for their reading. To make your child an active reader, you must search for what they need to understand; that is key concepts, principles, and the details that support them.

Wish all our learners lots of luck as they are all set to begin a new year at academics.

Ms. Rupa Tank

Center Head

Classroom Connection



Alphabet writing is an essential skill that helps learners to learn to write each letter correctly and also provide handwriting practice. Encouraging learners to write alphabets at an early age helps them to improve their communication skills and teaches them what they need to know about writing and structuring letters.

Learners were able to write the alphabets from A to Z knowing the sequence and writing each letter correctly and neatly touching on the correct lines and knowing the phonic sound and the associated pictures related to each letter. Learners were motivated with a star for their efforts and dedication.


Math is sorting , noticing patterns, making comparisons, sorting and counting and knowing the names of the shapes.

Learners were able to sort out the different animals by identifying and knowing to which group they belong whether pet, domestic or wild by having fun and learning the same through a play way method. Recapitulation of learning shapes and colours were done through a sorting activity where in learners did a good job of sorting the shapes correctly knowing its name. A brief recap of the different concepts taught to the learners help them to know the difference between them.


Supporting learners in their growing awareness and interest in animals can lead to deeper feeling of empathy in our young learners. Learners gained the knowledge about different animals, their homes, its young one and the sound they make. Learners were actively involved in playing the sorting activity of pet, domestic and wild by asking the learners to identify, name and tell to which group does it belong and learners were able to understand and have fun in doing this sorting activity. Learners were also able to tell the sound that each animal makes in order to communicate with each other.


Listening to stories help the learners to know sounds, words, language and develop listening skills. Listening to stories sparks the learner’s imagination and stimulates curiosity to help them focus and concentrate on social and communication skills. The story - Four Friends was narrated with the help of a video to the learners for their better understanding. After visualizing and listening to the story, learners were able to know and name the different animals seen in the story and were also able to think and answer to the brief story related questions asked by the teacher.


Reading together helps to develop vocabulary and polishes our understanding. 'Is it' - a reader book was read by the learners where in they loved to blend letters through identification and knowing the names of different characters and also making an effort to understand and read the book .

Virtual Theme day

Theme Day Celebration

Learners had a virtual celebration back again for our final Theme Day for sharing the imbibed knowledge gained throughout the academic year. Learners beautifully spoke with confidence and all of them sang and danced to the tunes of the different songs which showcased their enthusiasm and joy in giving their best performance. Class photo collage was presented virtually which put up a smile on everyone’s face while figuring out themselves in the photo collage. It was a fruitful and successful closure of the academic year 2020- 2021.

Classroom Connection



Teacher did a recapitulation of three letter words by taking dictation of the words bin, zip, kid, cot, mop, cop, fog, sun, rug and tub by saying their phonic sound and asked the learners to write the same in their red and blue line book. Flash cards of ‘e’, ‘i’, ‘o’ and ‘u’ family words were shown and all learners were involved in the session to read them with the help of phonic sound.


Reading exposes the kids to a wide range of words. This helps them build their own vocabulary as they listen to the stories which is vital as they start to read.

Teacher did a recapitulation of sight words with the help of flash cards and asked the learners to read them.

Picture talk

Picture talk helps kids to analyse the picture and also to form the sentences of their own. A picture of aquatic animals was presented on the screen, the teacher then asked various questions to the learners related to the picture. The learners answered these questions in their own words, hence improving their vocabulary skills.


Math develops a child's mathematical thinking. Teacher did a recapitulation of the extended pattern of shapes with the help of Liveboard App and asked the learners to complete the pattern in their square line notebook. Teacher also did a recapitulation of backward numbers from 20 to 1 by showing flash cards and later on using Liveboard app, wrote these backwards numbers following the tens and ones pattern. Learners were asked to write the same in their square line notebook.

Learners were also engaged in the game ‘Simon says’ and asked the learners to follow the instructions that ‘Simon says’ by writing the answers with the help of crayons making it more colourful and joyous.


Teacher did a recapitulation of aquatic animals with the help of powerpoint presentation and later on asked few driving questions related to aquatic animals.

Teacher also did a recap of polar animals by playing a Kahoot game which involved few pictorial questions based on polar animals and the learners participated with great enthusiasm and enjoyed thoroughly.

Virtual Theme day

Theme day

A theme creates a context for children to see the meaningful applications of academic knowledge and skills. The theme day was about what learners learnt throughout the year and was celebrated on 9th April. Learners were excited to showcase their learning. Theme day began with the prayer and a welcome speech by the teacher. Learners said their dialogues with great enthusiasm and used various props and flash cards. To make theme day more entertaining, learners danced to the tune of their favourite songs. Also, black and white colouring activity performed by learners. Teacher also presented their class photo collage, making their day more fun filling and memorable.

Virtual birthday

Classroom Connection


Circle Time:

Action songs are very important for small children. It enhances child’s creative language, vocabulary and motor skills, listening skills and the ability to follow directions. Days start with action song where learners dance and move to the tune and rhythm.


Days of the week:

Recap of days of the week was done. Teacher explained seven days of the week one by one though powerpoint presentation. She read aloud spelling of all the days as they reflect on the screen. Teacher played a game on word wall where she asked which day was yesterday and which day would come tomorrow after a specific day.

Picture Comprehension:

Picture comprehensions give children the opportunity to practice describing what is in an image and to choose a sentence that best matches the picture. It's a great starting point for decoding and understanding stories. Pictures do more than just capture your little one's attention. It also helps your child form associations between the words and the pictures. Teacher did a recapitulation of the story - Ben for better understanding and then made a Z chart with learners where they had to write main characters of the story with conclusion on one side of Z and they drew the same on the other side of Z.

Picture Composition:

Composition is a way of guiding the viewer's eye towards the most important elements of your work, sometimes – in a very specific order. It enhances concentration and vocabulary alongwith the spelling of the words. Teacher explained picture composition through powerpoint and asked them to make simple sentences using keywords.

Teacher presented a picture and gave keywords through Powerpoint presentation and learners wrote simple sentences using keyword in their notebook.


Reading aloud to children gives them the opportunity to try on the language and experience of others. It improves their information processing skills, vocabulary, and comprehension. Hence, teacher recapitulated the story - Kipper’s lace from Oxford Reading book, followed by a recap of sight words with the help of Liveboard App.


Winter Season:

Teacher did a recapitulation of Winter season through powerpoint presentation, where learners learnt about the food we eat and clothes we wear during Winter season along with the celebration of important festivals during this season.

Teacher conducted snowflake activity, where learners made snowflakes with ice cream sticks or paper cutout and decorated it beautifully.

Summer season:

Teacher did a recapitulation of summer season with the help of powerpoint presentation and explained them about all the different seasons we have and specifically about summer season - what we wear, what we eat etc.

Later, teacher did a mind storming session by asking riddles related to fruits that we eat during summer season and drew it on paper. Learners drew fruits on the paper and coloured it.

Teacher inquired learners about their planning for Summer activity. Learners danced together on a fun filled song and enjoyed a lot.

Rainy Season:

Recap of rainy season was done where teacher explained how important rain is and what we should wear in the rainy season along with an exciting world wall game where teacher showed weather pictures and asked learners to guess the weather in shown the picture.



Time management is important because it helps children prioritize their work. Knowing to read time i.e.clock is an important skill for child. Recap of time is done with power point presentation along with enjoyable activity where learners made their wristwatch with paper cut out.


Addition helps kids master the relationships between numbers and understand how quantities relate to one another. Recap of subtraction was done with the help of power point presentation where teacher explained subtraction. Teacher showed pictures of objects through liveboard and asked learners to remove some object and asked to count the remaining objects and tell the number after subtraction.


Recap of Money was taken by the teacher with the help of a powerpoint presentation where teacher explained different denominations of notes and coins along with the use of money to buy things.

Teacher conducted a coin tracing activity where learners traced coins on paper with pencil or colour pencils.

Skip counting:

Counting is important because the meaning attached to counting is the key conceptual idea on which all other number concepts are based. Skip counting enables children to count quickly.

Recap of skip counting by 2s was taken with the help of powerpoint presentation.

Teacher showed a number line on Liveboard App where she counted numbers skipping by 2s and learners followed the same and wrote in their notebook.

Story Time:

Puppets change the entire learning by creating more possibilities for creativity, collaboration, critical thinking and curiosity. Puppets let children’s voice expand through the characters.

Recap of story - The proud Oak was done with the help of using beautiful puppets where teacher explained the moral along with the story.

Teacher asked few driving questions related to the story.

Brain Break-

To keep our learners active during learning tasks, short brain breaks were performed in the form of physical exercises and action dance. Brain Breaks are short, energizing bursts of activity that boost blood flow, send oxygen to the brain, and help kids retain whatever they are focusing on. The breaks provide processing time for students to solidify their learning. Learners had a relaxing time and enjoyed this session.

Graduation Day

“Graduation - is a time to celebrate new beginnings and say goodbye to everything that has given you a reason to smile. It is warm memories of the past and big dreams for the future”.

It marks a new beginning that adds new dimensions to their school life and the journey they begin towards knowledge and education.

Day started with Prayer followed by Oath. Teacher gave a welcome speech and extended gratitude to parents. Learners sang an inspirational song together. Later, teacher played learners’ video. Learners danced to the tune of a Zumba song. Teacher then presented a Powerpoint Presentation showcasing the qualities of learners along with their convocation picture and explained each of the learners’ qualities.

Session ends with a Vote of Thanks where she thanked parents for their rock support and wished good luck to the Little Champions.