SSD Board 

August 2023-August 2024


Rinny Lakin - Multnomah County Library  

Past Chair



Jordan Popoff  - Curry Public Library  




Deanna Kohn - Multnomah County Library 

Members at Large

Member at Large Position 1:  vacant

Member at Large Position 2:   vacant

Continuing Education Committee

Deanna Kohn - Multnomah County Library 

Digital Media Specialist 


Conference Committee 2025 (August 2024-August 2025)

Conference Committee Chair - vacant

Conference Committee Member - vacant (can be multiple people)

Presenter Liasson - vacant

Sponsorship Liasson - vacant

Program, post card and poster designer - vacant

Roles during the SSD Conference

Conference Registration desk - vacant

Conference tech support Position 1 - Tri Bui, Multnomah County Library

Conference tech support Position 2 - vacant

Conference event photographer - Françoise Lemieux, Multnomah County Library

Conference event videographer/live stream support - vacant

Conference Raffle Manager - vacant

Monthly Meeting

Meeting the 2nd Tuesday of each month, 2:45 pm-4:00pm via Google Meets. 

If you would like an invitation, please email

You can also join the board!

We are seeking the following positions:

Member at Large - Aug 2024-August 2025

This is a learning position that assists the conference committee as comfortable

Secretary - Aug 2024-August 2025

This position requires meeting attendance to take notes, and assists the conference committee

Chair - Aug 2024-August 2026

This position can feel like a lot. It averages ~10 hours/month and is a 2 year commitment. 

BUT you will have the past chair backing you up, the ear of all of OLA and great support. Core member of the conference committee 

Calling for conference committee members to plan the

28th SSD Annual conference which will be in July 2025.


The most effective members get support from their libraries to do this work and are paid

If you need help getting that support, email the chair, Rinny Lakin at

Let's identify barriers in your way and strategize.