Science  Research Competition

Registration Official Forms are due by Thursday, October 31st!

Optional EVENT

We are pleased to offer 4th, 5th and 6th grade students the ability to participate in the West Vincent Science Research Competition. This event will be in person. Students interested in entering the competition will work at home on their research plan. Classroom teachers will not be working individually with your child on their project. This website will offer all the necessary information for working through your scientific investigation.  

   This is  

Your Guide 

Scroll thru this document. It thoroughly details each step of the Scientific Method.  

Your child will need to write in their logbook as they work through each step.

2021-2022 District Science Fair Packet
2023_24 CCSRC Student Slide Template

Write rough draft in Logbook then Type your steps as Google Slides

All students should handwrite all findings in their science logbook. Then each of their 12 steps should be electronically typed as a Google slide. Students should electronically make a copy of this example template for their own Google Drive. Title that copy with student's name and save it in student's Google Drive. In December students need to print these slides to glue onto their tri-fold display board.


Your child may NOT grow any mold or work with microorganisms.

NO ANimal Testing!

Your child may NOT test animals or people.

Due Dates Checklist 2024-2025.docx


We are pleased to offer 4th, 5th and 6th grade students the chance to compete in the West Vincenet Science Research Competition. This event will be in person. Students interested in entering will work at home on their research and experiment. Classroom teachers will not be working individually with your child on their project. This is an AT HOME long term assignment. The suggested checklist dates help parents and students manage this long term project effectively. Hopefully this website will offer you all the necessary information for managing a successful scientific investigation.  

For more information about the Chester County Science Fair click CCIU Student Events