Thammasat International 

Summer School 2024

About the program

Ever since Thammasat University was established in 1934, an annual international summer school has been organized. Apart from its educational mission. One of the summer school program’s most important aims is to focus on “building up an essential knowledge of doing business in Thailand, advocated by strong entrepreneurial mindset”, aimed to help the participants appreciate and understand the key elements and complexity of Thai business as well as sharpen their entrepreneurial mindset which is one of the most critical foundations in running today business.


Today, the Office of International Affairs, Thammasat University, is proud to offer international students a challenging opportunity to take credit summer courses through the Thammasat International Summer Program which has begun since 2023 - a mix of academic sessions and immersion in study visits of both business and cultural trips.


The program is designed in a way that participants from around the world have the opportunity to engage in discussions with our teaching experts in classes at Thammasat, Tha Prachan campus in Bangkok – the most vibrant cities in the world and spend time in several field trips that will give the participants insights into their business and cultural perception.


"...We would like to invite you to study at Thammasat International Summer School in Bangkok and, experience an unforgettable summer..."

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