Revolutionizing Cell Imaging: Exploring the Power of Phase Holographic Imaging with PHI AB 

In the fast-paced world of cellular biology, the ability to observe and analyze cells in their natural state is a game-changer. Traditional cell imaging techniques often rely on labels and dyes, which can interfere with cellular functions and limit the accuracy of observations. Enter Phase Holographic Imaging (PHI AB), an innovative technology that offers a label-free, three-dimensional view of cells, preserving their natural behavior and providing unparalleled insights into cellular dynamics. In this article, we will explore the transformative power of Phase Holographic Imaging with PHI AB and how it is revolutionizing cell imaging.

The Limitations of Traditional Cell Imaging

Traditional cell imaging methods, such as fluorescence microscopy, involve labeling cells with fluorescent dyes or antibodies to highlight specific structures or functions. While these methods have provided significant insights into cellular biology, they come with notable limitations:


  Label Interference: The introduction of foreign substances, such as dyes or labels, can alter cellular behavior and introduce artifacts, potentially skewing research results.

  Limited Observation Time: Fluorescent dyes can photobleach over time, reducing the ability to observe cells over extended periods. Additionally, these methods often provide only two-dimensional imaging, which may not capture the full complexity of three-dimensional cellular structures.

  Labor-Intensive Preparation: The process of labeling and preparing samples can be time-consuming and labor-intensive, potentially delaying research progress.


Phase Holographic Imaging (PHI AB) addresses these challenges by providing a label-free, three-dimensional view of cells. This advanced technology leverages the intrinsic properties of cells, such as their refractive index, to generate detailed images without the need for external labels. By preserving cells in their natural state, PHI AB allows researchers to obtain more accurate and representative data.

How Phase Holographic Imaging Works

Phase Holographic Imaging with PHI AB measures the phase shift of light as it passes through a sample. Unlike traditional brightfield or fluorescence microscopy, which relies on intensity measurements, PHI AB captures the optical thickness of cells, allowing for the reconstruction of three-dimensional images. This method provides several key advantages:


  Label-Free Imaging: By eliminating the need for labels or dyes, PHI AB preserves the natural state of cells, leading to more accurate observations.

  High Resolution: PHI AB offers high-resolution imaging, enabling researchers to visualize fine cellular details that might be missed with traditional methods.

  Quantitative Analysis: PHI AB provides quantitative data on cellular morphology and dynamics, enhancing the depth and rigor of research findings.

Advantages of Phase Holographic Imaging with PHI AB

1. Preservation of Native Cellular Behavior

One of the most significant benefits of Phase Holographic Imaging with PHI AB is the preservation of native cellular behavior. Without the need for dyes or labels, cells remain in their natural state, free from external influences that could alter their function. This ensures that the observations made are truly representative of the cells' inherent characteristics and interactions.


2. Enhanced Temporal Resolution

Phase Holographic Imaging with PHI AB offers enhanced temporal resolution, allowing researchers to capture dynamic processes in real-time. This capability is crucial for studying rapid cellular events, such as cell division, migration, and signaling. By tracking these processes over time, researchers can gain deeper insights into the mechanisms driving cellular behavior.


3. Non-Invasive and Repeatable

Since Phase Holographic Imaging with PHI AB is non-invasive, it permits continuous monitoring of the same cells over extended periods. This repeatability is particularly valuable for longitudinal studies, where observing the progression of cellular events is essential. Researchers can gather comprehensive datasets from individual cells, enhancing the robustness and reliability of their findings.


4. Broad Applicability

Phase Holographic Imaging with PHI AB is broadly applicable across various fields of cellular biology, including cancer research, immunology, neuroscience, and regenerative medicine. By providing a holistic view of cellular dynamics, this approach facilitates the discovery of novel biomarkers, therapeutic targets, and underlying mechanisms of disease.


Applications of Phase Holographic Imaging with PHI AB

Cancer Research

In cancer research, understanding the behavior of tumor cells and their interactions with the surrounding microenvironment is critical. Phase Holographic Imaging with PHI AB allows researchers to study these interactions in a physiologically relevant context, providing insights into mechanisms of tumor growth, invasion, and metastasis. By observing tumor cells in three dimensions and in real-time, researchers can develop more effective therapeutic strategies and assess the efficacy of anti-cancer drugs.



The immune system's complexity requires detailed analysis of immune cell behavior and interactions. Phase Holographic Imaging with PHI AB enables researchers to observe immune cells in their natural state, free from the influence of labels or dyes. This capability is instrumental in studying immune responses, cell signaling, and the effects of immunotherapies. By providing a clear, three-dimensional view of immune cell dynamics, this system enhances our understanding of immune function and pathology.



Neurons and other brain cells exhibit highly dynamic behaviors that are crucial for brain function. Traditional labeling techniques can interfere with these delicate processes, making it challenging to study neuronal activity accurately. Phase Holographic Imaging with PHI AB offers a non-invasive method to observe neuronal activity, synapse formation, and network dynamics in three dimensions. This advanced imaging capability is transforming our understanding of brain function and aiding in the development of treatments for neurodegenerative diseases.


Regenerative Medicine

Regenerative medicine aims to repair or replace damaged tissues and organs. Understanding the behavior of stem cells and their differentiation pathways is essential for this field. Phase Holographic Imaging with PHI AB allows for the monitoring of stem cell behavior in a native environment, providing insights into the factors that drive differentiation and tissue regeneration. By offering detailed, real-time views of these processes, this system supports the development of regenerative therapies and enhances our ability to engineer functional tissues.


The Future of Cellular Imaging

The adoption of Phase Holographic Imaging with PHI AB marks a significant milestone in the field of cellular biology. As more research institutions, hospitals, and biotechnology companies in the USA integrate this technology into their workflows, the potential for groundbreaking discoveries increases. The ability to observe cells in their natural state, combined with high-resolution, three-dimensional imaging, is revolutionizing our understanding of cellular dynamics and paving the way for new therapeutic approaches.



Phase Holographic Imaging with PHI AB represents a transformative advancement in cellular biology. By providing label-free, three-dimensional imaging of live cells, this technology offers unparalleled insights into cellular structures and dynamics. Whether in cancer research, immunology, neuroscience, or regenerative medicine, Phase Holographic Imaging with PHI AB is revolutionizing our understanding of cell biology and paving the way for new discoveries and therapies.


If you are looking for Phase Holographic Imaging PHI AB, or Livecyte by Phasefocus, contact the leading life science equipment distributor in the USA -  Altium, earlier known as Nexus Scientific  or call (857) 264 6884.

Advancing 3D Cell Culture Analysis with Tomocube's Label-Free Technology

In the realm of life sciences research, the ability to observe and analyze cells in three dimensions has become increasingly crucial. Traditional 2D cell culture methods often fail to accurately represent the complex microenvironment and behavior of cells within living organisms. This limitation has driven the growing adoption of 3D cell culture techniques, which better mimic the in vivo conditions and provide more physiologically relevant data.


Enter Tomocube, a pioneering company that has revolutionized 3D cell analysis with its innovative label-free technology. Founded in 2015, Tomocube has developed a groundbreaking microscopy solution that enables researchers to observe and quantify cellular behavior in 3D without the need for potentially disruptive labeling agents or dyes.

The HT-2H: A Game-Changer in 3D Cell Analysis

At the heart of Tomocube's offering is the HT-2H, a cutting-edge microscope that combines holographic tomography and 3D tracking capabilities. This powerful instrument allows researchers to visualize and analyze live cells in 3D, providing unprecedented insights into cellular morphology, dynamics, and interactions.


Unlike traditional microscopy techniques that rely on fluorescent labels or dyes, the HT-2H leverages the principles of holographic tomography to create high-resolution 3D images of cells without the need for any extrinsic labeling. This label-free approach eliminates potential interference with cellular processes, ensuring that the observed behavior accurately reflects the natural state of the cells.

Applications in Drug Discovery and Regenerative Medicine

The HT-2H has found widespread applications in various areas of life sciences research, particularly in drug discovery and regenerative medicine. In drug development, the ability to observe and quantify cellular responses to potential therapeutic compounds in a physiologically relevant 3D environment is invaluable. Researchers can monitor changes in cell morphology, migration, proliferation, and death in real-time, providing valuable insights into the efficacy and potential toxicity of drug candidates.


Moreover, the HT-2H's label-free approach is particularly beneficial in the study of stem cells and regenerative medicine. Traditional labeling techniques can interfere with the delicate processes involved in stem cell differentiation and tissue engineering, potentially altering the cells' behavior and compromising the integrity of the research. Tomocube's technology allows researchers to track and analyze these intricate processes without the risk of label-induced artifacts.

Quantitative Analysis and High-Throughput Screening

Beyond its imaging capabilities, the HT-2H also offers powerful quantitative analysis tools. Tomocube's proprietary software enables researchers to extract a wealth of quantitative data from the acquired 3D images, including cell volume, surface area, sphericity, and motility parameters. This quantitative information is crucial for understanding cellular dynamics and making informed decisions in drug development and other applications.


Additionally, the HT-2H is designed for high-throughput screening, enabling researchers to analyze large numbers of samples in a time-efficient manner. This feature is particularly valuable in drug discovery, where rapid screening of potential compounds is essential for accelerating the development process.

Collaboration and Partnerships

Tomocube's commitment to advancing 3D cell analysis extends beyond its innovative technology. The company actively collaborates with leading research institutions, pharmaceutical companies, and biotechnology firms to further the application of its solutions in various fields.


Through these collaborations, Tomocube has contributed to numerous groundbreaking studies and discoveries, demonstrating the versatility and power of its label-free 3D cell analysis approach. Furthermore, the company actively seeks partnerships with distributors and service providers to expand its global reach and ensure that its cutting-edge technology is accessible to researchers worldwide.


Tomocube's label-free 3D cell analysis technology represents a significant leap forward. By enabling researchers to observe and quantify cellular behavior in an accurate and physiologically relevant manner, without the potential interference of labeling agents, Tomocube is empowering scientists to unravel the complexities of cellular processes and accelerate the pace of discovery.


If you are looking for Cell Dynamics Imaging, or Label-Free 3D Cell Analysis, contact the leading life science equipment distributor in the USA -  Altium, earlier known as Nexus Scientific  or call (857) 264 6884. 

Revolutionizing Tissue Engineering with Fluicell's Biopixlar 

Breakthrough technologies are essential for advancing research, drug development, and regenerative medicine. Among these innovations, Fluicell's Biopixlar emerges as a game-changer, offering scientists a compact single-cell bioprinting platform that empowers them to create tissues with unprecedented precision and efficiency. By enabling the direct positioning of cells onto cell culture media without the need for traditional bioink, Biopixlar not only streamlines the bioprinting process but also opens new avenues for exploring cellular behavior and tissue engineering.

The Evolution of Bioprinting

Bioprinting has emerged as a promising technique for fabricating complex tissues and organs by depositing biomaterials, cells, or cell-laden bioinks layer by layer to mimic native tissue architecture. While traditional bioprinting methods have shown significant progress, they often come with limitations such as the requirement for bioinks, which may alter cell behavior and tissue properties. Moreover, the precise positioning of cells within the printed construct can be challenging, affecting the fidelity and functionality of the engineered tissue.


Enter Fluicell's Biopixlar, a revolutionary bioprinting platform designed to overcome these challenges and redefine the boundaries of tissue engineering. Unlike conventional bioprinters, Biopixlar utilizes a unique technology that allows scientists to position individual cells directly onto cell culture media, eliminating the need for bioinks altogether. This capability not only preserves the native cellular microenvironment but also enables precise control over cell placement, leading to the creation of highly intricate and functional tissue constructs.

Empowering Scientific Discovery

One of the most compelling aspects of Biopixlar is its ability to empower scientists to explore the complexities of cellular behavior and tissue dynamics with unprecedented precision. By offering precise control over cell deposition, researchers can study cell-cell interactions, spatial gradients, and tissue morphogenesis in ways that were previously unattainable. This opens new avenues for investigating disease mechanisms, screening drug candidates, and developing personalized regenerative therapies.


Moreover, Biopixlar's versatility extends beyond traditional tissue engineering applications. Its compact design and user-friendly interface make it accessible to researchers across various disciplines, from cell biology and pharmacology to regenerative medicine and beyond. Whether studying cancer progression, neurodegenerative disorders, or organ development, Biopixlar provides a powerful platform for accelerating scientific discovery and innovation.

Advancing Drug Development

In the realm of drug development, Biopixlar offers unparalleled capabilities for creating physiologically relevant tissue models that better recapitulate human biology. By precisely positioning cells within 3D constructs, researchers can mimic tissue-specific microenvironments and study drug responses in a more predictive manner. This not only enhances the efficiency of preclinical drug screening but also reduces reliance on animal models, aligning with the principles of ethical research and reducing costs associated with drug development.


Furthermore, Biopixlar's ability to print complex tissue architectures opens new possibilities for studying multi-cellular interactions and disease mechanisms. From modeling cancer metastasis to assessing drug toxicity in organotypic cultures, Biopixlar enables researchers to gain deeper insights into the efficacy and safety of potential therapeutics, ultimately accelerating the pace of drug discovery and development.

Pioneering Regenerative Medicine

In the field of regenerative medicine, Biopixlar holds tremendous promise for advancing the development of cell-based therapies and tissue engineering strategies. By precisely placing cells within engineered scaffolds or directly onto injured tissues, researchers can create custom-tailored constructs for repairing damaged organs or restoring tissue function. This has profound implications for treating a wide range of conditions, including cardiovascular disease, neurodegenerative disorders, and musculoskeletal injuries.


Moreover, Biopixlar's ability to print cell-laden constructs without the use of bioinks reduces the risk of immune rejection and promotes better integration with host tissues. This enhances the viability and functionality of engineered tissues, paving the way for more successful clinical translation of regenerative therapies. From patient-specific organoids to implantable tissue grafts, Biopixlar offers a versatile platform for realizing the full potential of regenerative medicine and personalized healthcare.


As we look to the future, the impact of Biopixlar on scientific research and clinical practice is poised to be profound. By enabling scientists to create tissues with unprecedented precision and functionality, Biopixlar opens new frontiers in personalized medicine, disease modeling, and regenerative therapies. With Fluicell's commitment to innovation and collaboration, we can anticipate even greater advancements on the horizon, shaping the future of science and transforming the landscape of healthcare for generations to come.


If you are looking for 3D single-cell bioprinting Fluicell’s Biopixlar, check out the leading life science equipment distributor in the USA -  Altium, earlier known as Nexus Scientific  or call (857) 264 6884. 

Phase Holographic Imaging: A Revolutionary Approach to Non-Invasive Cell Imaging and Analysis 

In the ever-evolving field of life sciences, non-invasive cell imaging and analysis are critical for understanding cellular behavior, studying disease mechanisms, and developing novel therapies. Traditional imaging techniques often require invasive procedures, use of exogenous labels, or are limited in their ability to capture dynamic cellular processes in real-time. Phase Holographic Imaging (PHI) is a revolutionary technique that addresses these limitations, offering researchers a powerful tool for non-invasive, label-free, and real-time imaging and analysis of live cells. In this article, we explore the principles of PHI, its applications in life sciences, and how it is transforming the way researchers study cell biology.


Phase Holographic Imaging (PHI) is a non-invasive imaging technique that uses holographic principles to capture and analyze the phase information of light scattered by live cells. Unlike traditional brightfield or fluorescence microscopy, which rely on intensity-based imaging, PHI measures the phase shift of light passing through cells. This phase shift provides valuable information about cell morphology, cell dynamics, and cell-cell interactions, without the need for exogenous labels or stains.

How PHI Works

PHI works by illuminating cells with a coherent light source, such as a laser, and capturing the interference pattern created when the light passes through the cells. This interference pattern, known as a hologram, contains information about the phase shift of the light caused by the cells. By analyzing the hologram, researchers can reconstruct the phase image of the cells, revealing detailed information about their morphology and dynamics.

The Benefits of PHI

PHI offers several key benefits for cell imaging and analysis:


      Non-invasive: PHI is a non-invasive technique that does not require the use of exogenous labels or stains. This allows researchers to study live cells in their natural state, without altering their behavior or morphology.


      Label-free: Unlike fluorescence microscopy, which requires the use of fluorescent labels, PHI is a label-free technique. This eliminates the need for costly and time-consuming labeling procedures, making it a more efficient and cost-effective option for cell imaging.


      Real-time imaging: PHI allows for real-time imaging and analysis of live cells, enabling researchers to capture dynamic cellular processes as they occur. This is particularly useful for studying cell migration, cell division, and other dynamic cellular events.


      High-resolution imaging: PHI offers high-resolution imaging of live cells, with the ability to capture fine details of cell morphology and structure. This makes it a valuable tool for studying cellular structures and organelles.

Applications of PHI

PHI has a wide range of applications in life sciences, including:


      Cell morphology and dynamics: PHI can be used to study cell morphology and dynamics in real-time, providing valuable insights into cellular behavior and function.


      Cell-cell interactions: PHI can be used to study cell-cell interactions, such as cell adhesion, cell migration, and cell-cell communication.


      Drug discovery and development: PHI can be used to study the effects of drugs and chemicals on live cells, providing valuable information for drug discovery and development.


      Cancer research: PHI can be used to study cancer cells and their interactions with the surrounding microenvironment, providing insights into cancer progression and metastasis.


Phase Holographic Imaging (PHI) is a revolutionary technique that offers researchers a powerful tool for non-invasive, label-free, and real-time imaging and analysis of live cells. By capturing the phase information of light scattered by cells, PHI provides valuable insights into cell morphology, dynamics, and interactions. With its wide range of applications in cell biology, drug discovery, and cancer research, PHI is transforming the way researchers study cellular processes and develop novel therapies.


To know more about Phase Holographic Imaging, call one of the most reliable life cell research equipment distributors in the US, Altium, earlier known as Nexus Scientific

Exploring the Diverse Applications of Cell Dynamics' W8 Physical Cytometer Assay 

Technological innovations often serve as catalysts for transformative breakthroughs in life sciences. One such groundbreaking tool is the W8 Physical Cytometer Assay by Cell Dynamics, a cutting-edge approach that has redefined how researchers analyze and understand cellular dynamics. In this article, we will delve into the multifaceted applications of the W8 Physical Cytometer Assay, showcasing its versatility and impact across various domains of scientific research.

Cell Cycle Analysis and Proliferation Studies

Understanding the intricacies of the cell cycle is fundamental to unraveling the mysteries of cellular proliferation. The W8 Physical Cytometer Assay offers a powerful solution for cell cycle analysis by providing real-time, label-free assessments of individual cells. Researchers can track cells through different phases of the cell cycle based on their biophysical properties, enabling a comprehensive understanding of proliferation dynamics. This application is invaluable in fields such as cancer research, where aberrations in the cell cycle play a pivotal role in tumorigenesis.

Cell Viability and Apoptosis Assessment

Assessing cell viability and detecting early signs of apoptosis are critical aspects of various research endeavors, from drug discovery to regenerative medicine. The W8 Physical Cytometer Assay's label-free approach allows for non-invasive monitoring of changes in cell deformability associated with alterations in cell health. Researchers can obtain real-time data on cell viability and apoptosis, facilitating the identification of optimal drug concentrations, evaluating treatment responses, and gaining insights into cellular responses to different stimuli.

Stem Cell Characterization and Pluripotency Studies

Stem cell research holds immense promise for regenerative medicine, and the W8 Physical Cytometer Assay contributes significantly to this field. By assessing the biophysical properties of stem cells, researchers can characterize and differentiate between pluripotent and differentiated cells within a population. This application enhances our understanding of cellular pluripotency, aids in the isolation of specific cell subpopulations, and contributes to the optimization of protocols for stem cell-based therapies.

Immunophenotyping and Immune Cell Studies

In immunology and immunotherapy, precise identification and characterization of immune cell subsets are crucial. The W8 Physical Cytometer Assay excels in immunophenotyping by profiling cells based on their size, granularity, and deformability. This capability allows researchers to differentiate between various immune cell types, monitor immune responses, and investigate changes in cell populations during immune challenges or diseases. The assay's high-throughput nature further enhances its utility in large-scale immunophenotyping studies.

Drug Response Profiling and Pharmacological Studies

Efficient drug discovery and development require accurate assessments of cellular responses to potential drug candidates. The W8 Physical Cytometer Assay provides a label-free platform for monitoring drug-induced changes in cell morphology and dynamics. Researchers can analyze drug responses in real-time, offering insights into drug efficacy, potential side effects, and the development of resistance. This application streamlines the drug development process, contributing to the identification of promising candidates for further investigation.

Cancer Cell Analysis and Tumor Heterogeneity Studies

The W8 Physical Cytometer Assay has proven instrumental in advancing cancer research by enabling detailed analyses of cancer cells and their heterogeneity. Researchers can characterize different subpopulations of cancer cells based on their biophysical properties, offering a nuanced understanding of tumor behavior. This information is crucial for identifying aggressive tumor phenotypes, studying tumor evolution, and exploring potential therapeutic targets. The assay's ability to analyze circulating tumor cells in liquid biopsies further enhances its utility in monitoring disease progression and assessing treatment responses.

Microbial Analysis and Antimicrobial Studies

Beyond eukaryotic cells, the W8 Physical Cytometer Assay extends its applications to microbial analysis, providing a valuable tool for microbiologists. The assay's ability to assess the biophysical properties of bacteria and other microorganisms opens new avenues for studying microbial physiology, antibiotic susceptibility, and microbial interactions. This versatility is particularly relevant in the context of antimicrobial research, where understanding the mechanical properties of microorganisms contributes to the development of effective antimicrobial strategies.


In conclusion, the W8 Physical Cytometer Assay by Cell Dynamics represents a revolutionary advancement in cell analysis, offering a label-free, non-invasive, and high-throughput platform for researchers across diverse scientific disciplines. Its applications span from cell cycle analysis and proliferation studies to stem cell characterization, immunophenotyping, drug response profiling, cancer cell analysis, and microbial studies. The assay's versatility has positioned it as an indispensable tool in the quest for deeper insights into cellular dynamics, disease mechanisms, and therapeutic interventions.


As distributors committed to advancing scientific research in the USA, we recognize the transformative impact of technologies like the W8 Physical Cytometer Assay. By providing researchers with access to state-of-the-art instruments, we contribute to the collective effort to push the boundaries of knowledge, foster innovation, and ultimately improve human health. As the scientific community continues to explore the diverse applications of the W8, we anticipate a future where this technology plays a pivotal role in shaping the landscape of cell biology and beyond.


To know more about the incubator live cell microscope, or Cell Dynamics’ W8 physical cytometer assay, call one of the most reliable life science equipment distributors in the US, Altium, earlier known as Nexus Scientific

3D Single-Cell Bioprinting with Fluicell's Biopixlar 

As researchers delve deeper into the complexities of cellular biology, the demand for tools that provide unparalleled precision in single-cell manipulation has become increasingly evident. Traditional bioprinting methods often involve the deposition of cell-laden bioinks in bulk, limiting the ability to precisely control and manipulate individual cells. Enter Fluicell's Biopixlar, a 3D single-cell bioprinting platform designed to address this precise need for single-cell resolution.

How Biopixlar Works

At the heart of Fluicell's Biopixlar lies a sophisticated technology that combines microfluidics and laser-induced forward transfer (LIFT) to achieve precise single-cell bioprinting. The system employs a microfabricated silicon chip containing an array of microchambers, each capable of holding a single cell. This innovative approach allows for the gentle and accurate deposition of individual cells onto a substrate with micrometer-scale precision.


The microfluidic chip plays a crucial role in isolating and capturing individual cells, ensuring that the printing process is conducted with the utmost precision. The laser-induced forward transfer mechanism propels a droplet containing the desired cell onto the target substrate, creating a 3D bioprinted structure with single-cell resolution.

Versatility in Cellular Applications: Biopixlar's Capabilities

Fluicell's Biopixlar is not limited to a specific cell type or application, showcasing its versatility across various cellular research domains. From primary cells to stem cells and cell lines, the platform accommodates a broad spectrum of cell types, enabling researchers to tailor their experiments to specific biological questions.


The single-cell resolution offered by Biopixlar opens the door to a multitude of applications. Researchers can precisely position cells in defined patterns, creating complex cellular architectures that mimic natural tissues. This capability is particularly valuable in tissue engineering, regenerative medicine, and studies involving the interaction between different cell types.

Advancing Tissue Engineering: Bioprinting 3D Structures with Cellular Precision

Tissue engineering has long been a promising field with the potential to revolutionize regenerative medicine. However, achieving the necessary cellular precision for constructing intricate tissue structures has been a significant challenge. Fluicell's Biopixlar addresses this challenge head-on, offering researchers the ability to bioprint 3D structures with single-cell resolution.


In tissue engineering applications, such as the creation of vascular networks or the precise positioning of different cell types within a scaffold, Biopixlar provides an unprecedented level of control. The platform's ability to handle various cell types and deposition patterns enhances the reproducibility and complexity of bioprinted tissues, bringing us one step closer to functional, implantable constructs.

Drug Discovery and Screening: Enhancing Cellular Assays

Biopixlar's single-cell bioprinting capabilities have profound implications in the realm of drug discovery and screening. Traditional drug assays often involve studying the responses of cell populations, but the heterogeneity within these populations can mask critical insights. With Biopixlar, researchers can precisely deposit single cells onto assay plates, allowing for the study of individual cell responses to drugs or compounds.


This level of precision is particularly valuable in identifying rare cell subpopulations or understanding the subtle variations in drug responses among individual cells. Biopixlar's contribution to drug discovery extends beyond the identification of potential therapeutic candidates to a deeper understanding of cellular heterogeneity and personalized medicine approaches.

Studying Cellular Interactions: Mimicking In Vivo Environments

Understanding the intricacies of cellular interactions is fundamental to advancing our knowledge of biology and disease. Biopixlar facilitates the study of cellular communication by enabling the precise positioning of different cell types in close proximity. This capability is especially beneficial in recreating in vivo-like microenvironments within in vitro settings.


Researchers can use Biopixlar to construct microscale co-cultures or heterotypic cell arrangements, mimicking the complex cellular interactions that occur in tissues. This opens new avenues for investigating cell signaling, paracrine effects, and the impact of microenvironmental cues on cellular behavior.


Biopixlar's Contribution to Single-Cell Genomics: Linking Structure and Function

In the era of single-cell genomics, where understanding the link between cellular structure and function is paramount, Biopixlar emerges as a valuable tool. The platform's ability to precisely deposit individual cells enables researchers to correlate the spatial organization of cells with their genomic profiles.


By combining single-cell bioprinting with techniques such as single-cell RNA sequencing, researchers can gain insights into how the spatial arrangement of cells influences their gene expression patterns. This integrative approach enhances our understanding of cellular heterogeneity and the functional consequences of specific cellular architectures.


Fluicell's Biopixlar, alongside complementary technologies like HoloMonitor® M4 and HT-2H, holds the potential to propel us toward a future where cellular heterogeneity is not just acknowledged but harnessed for the development of precision medicine and personalized therapies. The intricate dance of single cells, guided by the precision of Biopixlar, opens new horizons for scientific discovery and medical advancements, promising a future where tailored treatments are crafted with cellular precision.


To know more about the 3D single cell bioprinting platform, call one of the most reliable life science equipment distributors in the US, Altium, earlier known as Nexus Scientific

Exploring the Applications of Biopixlar and Biopixlar AER 3D Single-Cell Bioprinting Platforms

In life science research, technological advancements play a pivotal role in pushing the boundaries of what is possible. One such groundbreaking innovation is the Biopixlar series—3D single-cell bioprinting platforms. As the leading life science research equipment distributor in the USA, Altium takes pride in bringing cutting-edge solutions to researchers and scientists. This article aims to delve into the applications of the Biopixlar and Biopixlar AER platforms, shedding light on how these technologies are reshaping the future of cellular and molecular research.

Biopixlar and Biopixlar AER

Bioprinting technology has emerged as a game-changer in the field of life sciences, allowing scientists to precisely deposit cells, biomaterials, and other biological components in three-dimensional structures. Biopixlar and Biopixlar AER are at the forefront of this revolution, offering unprecedented capabilities in single-cell bioprinting.


Biopixlar, the first in the series, is designed for high-throughput single-cell dispensing. Its precision and versatility make it an indispensable tool for a wide range of applications in cellular biology, regenerative medicine, and drug discovery. Biopixlar AER, an advanced iteration, goes a step further by integrating automation and enhanced imaging capabilities, providing researchers with a comprehensive solution for intricate 3D bioprinting projects.

Applications in Cellular Biology

The Biopixlar series has proven instrumental in advancing cellular biology research. Scientists can now create complex tissue models, mimicking the microenvironments of various organs and tissues. This has far-reaching implications for studying cell behavior, disease progression, and drug responses in a more physiologically relevant context.


The ability to print single cells with precision allows researchers to investigate cellular heterogeneity within tissues. Biopixlar's high-throughput capabilities enable the study of rare cell populations, offering insights into cell diversity and function. From understanding the intricacies of stem cell differentiation to unraveling the complexities of immune cell interactions, Biopixlar has become an indispensable tool for cellular biologists.

Drug Discovery and Development

Biopixlar's impact extends into the realm of drug discovery and development. Traditional 2D cell cultures often fail to replicate the in vivo environment accurately. With Biopixlar, researchers can create 3D cell models that closely mimic human tissues, providing a more reliable platform for drug screening and toxicity testing.


The platform's ability to precisely deposit cells in microscale patterns facilitates the construction of organ-on-a-chip models. This innovative approach allows researchers to assess drug responses in a more organ-specific context, potentially accelerating drug development pipelines and reducing the reliance on animal testing.

Regenerative Medicine

Bioprinting holds immense promise in the field of regenerative medicine, and the Biopixlar series is at the forefront of driving this transformative change. Biopixlar AER's automation capabilities make it well-suited for fabricating complex tissue scaffolds with multiple cell types, facilitating the creation of functional tissues and organs.


Researchers can use Biopixlar to bioprint patient-specific tissues for transplantation, paving the way for personalized regenerative therapies. The precision offered by these platforms ensures that the printed structures closely resemble native tissues, enhancing the potential for successful engraftment and tissue integration.

Challenges and Future Directions

While the Biopixlar series has undoubtedly revolutionized 3D single-cell bioprinting, challenges persist. Fine-tuning printing parameters, optimizing biomaterial formulations, and addressing scalability issues are areas where ongoing research and development are crucial.


Altium, committed to driving innovation, continues to collaborate with researchers and scientists to enhance the capabilities of Biopixlar and Biopixlar AER. Future iterations may integrate even more advanced imaging technologies, enabling real-time monitoring of the printing process and further improving the precision and reproducibility of results.


The applications of Biopixlar and Biopixlar AER in 3D single-cell bioprinting represent a paradigm shift in life science research. These platforms empower researchers to explore new frontiers in cellular biology, drug discovery, and regenerative medicine. As we continue to unlock the full potential of 3D bioprinting, the Biopixlar series stands as a testament to the transformative power of technology in advancing the frontiers of scientific discovery.


To know more about the 3D single cell bioprinting platform, call one of the most reliable life science equipment distributors in the US, Altium, earlier known as Nexus Scientific. 

Unlocking the Future of Cell Biology: The Benefits of Phase Holographic Imaging

In the realm of cell biology, researchers continually seek novel techniques and tools to enhance our understanding of the complex world of cells. Phase Holographic Imaging (PHI) has emerged as a revolutionary technology that is transforming the way we study and analyze cellular processes. This article explores the multitude of benefits that PHI brings to the field of cell biology and its applications across various research areas.


Phase Holographic Imaging (PHI) is an innovative imaging technology that harnesses the principles of holography to provide a new dimension of information in the study of cells. Unlike traditional microscopy techniques that rely on transmitted light or fluorescence, PHI captures the phase information of light interacting with cells, which can be used to construct high-quality, label-free, and quantitative images. This novel approach to cell imaging brings several significant benefits that are invaluable to cell biology research.


The Benefits of Phase Holographic Imaging


    Label-Free Imaging:


One of the most prominent advantages of PHI is its label-free imaging capability. Unlike traditional methods that require the use of fluorescent dyes, stains, or genetic tags to visualize cellular structures, PHI allows researchers to study live cells in their natural state. This not only preserves the integrity of the cells but also eliminates the risk of phototoxicity or alteration of cell behavior due to labeling.


    Quantitative Phase Information:


PHI provides quantitative phase information, which goes beyond the simple visualization of cells. This data includes parameters such as cell thickness, refractive index, dry mass, and intracellular organelle distribution. These measurements are critical for a deeper understanding of cellular properties and dynamics, allowing for precise analysis.


    Real-Time Monitoring:


The ability to capture images and data in real time is another compelling advantage of PHI. Researchers can observe dynamic processes such as cell migration, proliferation, and differentiation as they unfold. This real-time monitoring is instrumental in gaining insights into the kinetics of cellular events and responses.


    Non-Invasive Nature:


PHI is non-invasive, meaning it does not require physical contact with the cells or the introduction of external agents. As a result, cells remain viable and can be used for subsequent experiments. This non-invasive nature makes PHI an ideal choice for long-term studies and for monitoring cellular behavior over extended periods.


    High-Quality Imaging:


PHI produces high-quality images with exceptional contrast and resolution. Researchers can visualize fine cellular structures and subcellular organelles with clarity, which is essential for the accurate interpretation of cell biology data.


Applications of Phase Holographic Imaging


The benefits of PHI extend to various applications within the field of cell biology. Researchers across different domains have found this technology to be instrumental in advancing their studies. Here are some key areas where PHI has made a significant impact:


    Cancer Research:


PHI plays a pivotal role in cancer research by enabling label-free analysis of cancer cells and their dynamic behavior. Researchers can study aspects such as cell migration, proliferation, and response to treatment without the need for potentially disruptive labeling techniques. This is critical for understanding tumor development and designing targeted therapies.


    Stem Cell Biology:


In stem cell research, the non-invasive and label-free nature of PHI is particularly advantageous. It allows for the continuous monitoring of stem cell differentiation, growth, and behavior. This information is vital for advancing regenerative medicine, tissue engineering, and cell-based therapies.




The quantitative phase information provided by PHI is beneficial for immunology studies. Researchers can examine immune cell interactions, activation, and responses to pathogens with precision, aiding in the development of effective vaccines and immunotherapies.


    Microbiology and Infectious Diseases:


PHI is used to investigate host-pathogen interactions. Researchers can monitor the behavior and dynamics of infectious agents within host cells, providing critical insights into the infection process and contributing to the development of treatments and vaccines.




In neurobiology, PHI assists in the study of neuronal behavior, synaptic plasticity, and neurodegenerative diseases. The ability to capture real-time, label-free images of neurons and their processes is invaluable for understanding complex neural networks.


Benefits for Researchers in Different Spheres


    Academic Researchers:


Researchers in academic institutions benefit significantly from PHI, as it enables them to conduct cutting-edge studies in cell biology. The technology's label-free, quantitative, and real-time capabilities expand the horizons of their research and contribute to a deeper understanding of cellular processes.


    Pharmaceutical and Biotech Companies:


The high-quality imaging and non-invasive nature of PHI make it an excellent tool for drug discovery and development. Pharmaceutical and biotech companies can use PHI to assess the effects of potential drug candidates on cell behavior, proliferation, and morphology in real time.


    Clinical Laboratories:


Clinical laboratories can incorporate PHI into their diagnostic processes, as it provides label-free and real-time analysis of patient samples. This technology is indispensable for disease monitoring, treatment optimization, and patient care.


    Government and Non-Profit Organizations:


Government agencies and non-profit organizations involved in scientific research can utilize PHI for various applications, including infectious disease surveillance and immunology studies. The technology's ability to provide quantitative data contributes to the accuracy and effectiveness of their research efforts.


Whether in cancer research, stem cell biology, immunology, microbiology, neurobiology, drug discovery, or clinical diagnostics, PHI has made a substantial impact. To know more about Phase Holographic Imaging, call one of the most reliable life science research equipment distributors in the USA, Nexus Scientific.

Fluicell®'s Biopixlar AER - A Game-Changer in Single-Cell Bioprinting

The field of cell biology is a tapestry of complex processes, where each thread represents a fundamental biological phenomenon. In recent years, a groundbreaking innovation has woven itself into this fabric—the Fluicell® Biopixlar AER, a compact single-cell bioprinting platform. In this comprehensive article, we will embark on a journey through the various applications of this revolutionary technology in cell biology, unraveling the ways it has transformed our understanding of cellular behavior.

Single-Cell Bioprinting

Traditional cell culture methods often involve the growth of cells as a population, making it challenging to dissect the behavior of individual cells within the collective. Single-cell bioprinting bridges this gap by enabling precise positioning and manipulation of individual cells. This breakthrough technology provides researchers with unprecedented control over cellular microenvironments, offering insights into cellular behavior that were once elusive.

Fluicell® Biopixlar AER: A Brief Overview

The Fluicell® Biopixlar AER is a compact and versatile single-cell bioprinting platform that has captured the attention of cell biology researchers worldwide. It operates on the principle of microfluidics, using pressure-driven flow to gently aspirate, hold, and deposit single cells with exceptional precision. Now, let's explore the multifaceted applications that have propelled the Biopixlar AER to the forefront of cellular research.

Applications in Cell Biology

1.  Cell-Cell Interaction Studies

Understanding how individual cells interact within a population is fundamental in cell biology. The Biopixlar AER allows researchers to precisely place cells in close proximity, mimicking natural cell-cell interactions. This capability is invaluable for studying phenomena such as cell signaling, communication, and the effects of neighboring cells on individual cells.

2.  3D Cell Culture Models

The Biopixlar AER excels in constructing 3D cell culture models. By depositing single cells in precise spatial arrangements, researchers can create intricate 3D structures that mimic the complexity of tissues and organs. This is instrumental in organoid development, tissue engineering, and disease modeling.

3.  Drug Screening and Pharmacology

Evaluating the effects of pharmaceutical compounds on individual cells is a critical step in drug discovery. The Biopixlar AER enables high-throughput screening of single cells, allowing researchers to assess how drugs impact cellular behavior at a granular level. This precision can lead to the identification of novel drug candidates and a deeper understanding of drug mechanisms.

4.  Cell Proliferation Studies

Tracking the proliferation of individual cells is a fundamental aspect of cell biology research. The Biopixlar AER offers the ability to position single cells and monitor their growth over time. Researchers can investigate factors that influence cell division, such as microenvironmental cues and genetic mutations.

5.  Neuronal Research

In neuroscience, understanding neuronal connectivity and behavior at the single-cell level is crucial. The Biopixlar AER enables the precise placement of neurons, facilitating the study of neurite outgrowth, synapse formation, and the effects of neurotoxic substances on individual neurons.

6.  Immunology and Immune Cell Interactions

The platform is instrumental in immunological studies. Researchers can create controlled environments for immune cells, observing how individual immune cells respond to pathogens, antigens, or other immune cells. This is vital for understanding immune responses and developing immunotherapies.

7.  Cancer Research

Cancer is characterized by the aberrant behavior of individual cells. The Biopixlar AER allows researchers to deposit cancer cells precisely, providing insights into their invasive behavior, proliferation rates, and response to therapeutic agents. This aids in the development of targeted cancer treatments.

8.  Developmental Biology

Studying embryonic development and organogenesis requires intricate control over cell placement. The Biopixlar AER enables the construction of 3D developmental models, facilitating investigations into tissue morphogenesis and the differentiation of embryonic cells.


As we navigate the intricate landscape of cell biology, the Fluicell® Biopixlar AER stands as a beacon of innovation. Its ability to manipulate single cells with precision has unlocked new avenues of exploration and deepened our understanding of cellular behavior. With ongoing advancements and creative applications, this technology continues to revolutionize the field, promising even greater insights into the mysteries of life at the cellular level.


For 3D single cell bioprinting platform, call one of the most reliable life science equipment distributors in the USA, Nexus Scientific. 

3 Revolutionary Imaging Systems for Quantitative Live Cell Monitoring

In cell biology and research, the ability to visualize and monitor live cells in their native environment has been a long-standing challenge. Traditional methods often require fixation and staining, which can alter cell behavior and hinder accurate observations. However, with the advent of revolutionary imaging systems, such as the Phi-HoloMonitor, TomoCube, and Kataoka Cell Attachment Monitor, quantitative live cell monitoring has reached new heights, enabling researchers to delve deeper into the dynamic world of cellular processes.

PHI HoloMonitor ®: Unveiling Cell Behavior in Real-Time

The PHI HoloMonitor®, offered by Nexus Scientific, is a cutting-edge imaging system that employs holographic technology to provide real-time, label-free insights into live cell behavior. This innovation captures dynamic quantitative phase images of cells, allowing researchers to observe cellular processes without the need for dyes or labels. By analyzing minute changes in cellular morphology, the PHI HoloMonitor® offers a non-invasive way to monitor cell growth, migration, and response to stimuli.


One of the standout features of the PHI HoloMonitor® is its ability to generate time-lapse videos of cellular events, showcasing intricate processes that were once obscured. Additionally, the system offers automated analysis tools that quantify various cellular parameters, such as cell area, volume, and motility. This not only reduces the potential for human error but also accelerates data collection and analysis.

TomoCube: Unraveling Cellular Structures in 3D

TomoCube, another groundbreaking imaging system, has revolutionized live cell monitoring by introducing the concept of quantitative phase imaging combined with holography. This innovation enables researchers to visualize cells in three dimensions (3D) without the need for sample preparation or staining. By capturing tomographic images of cells, TomoCube provides insights into cellular structures and their dynamic changes over time.


One of the notable advantages of TomoCube is its ability to create 3D reconstructions of cells and tissues, allowing researchers to explore spatial relationships and interactions in unprecedented detail. This is particularly useful when studying cellular processes that involve complex morphologies, such as neurite outgrowth or tissue development. Moreover, the label-free nature of the imaging technique ensures that cell behavior remains unaffected by external agents.

Kataoka Cell Attachment Monitor: Tracking Cellular Adhesion Dynamics

Cell adhesion is a fundamental process that governs various cellular behaviors, including migration, differentiation, and signaling. The Kataoka Cell Attachment Monitor offers a unique approach to live cell monitoring by focusing on the dynamics of cell adhesion. This system utilizes a microfluidic chip to expose cells to precisely controlled fluidic conditions while monitoring their attachment and detachment behaviors in real-time.


The real power of the Kataoka Cell Attachment Monitor lies in its ability to unravel the intricate mechanisms underlying cellular adhesion. By quantitatively assessing parameters like adhesion strength, detachment kinetics, and surface interactions, researchers gain insights into cell-substrate interactions that were previously elusive. This system holds immense promise in fields such as drug development, where understanding cell adhesion dynamics can impact the efficacy of therapies.

Advantages and Implications of Live-Cell Imaging Systems

The emergence of these revolutionary imaging systems presents a paradigm shift in live cell monitoring. Researchers can now observe cellular processes with unprecedented detail, in real-time, and without perturbing the natural state of the cells. These advancements hold significant implications across various domains:







In conclusion, the PHI HoloMonitor®, TomoCube, and Kataoka Cell Attachment Monitor have disrupted the landscape of live cell monitoring. These systems offer novel ways to observe cellular behavior, structures, and dynamics in real-time, without the need for invasive techniques. As these technologies continue to evolve, they hold immense promise in expanding our understanding of the intricate world of cells and driving breakthroughs in various fields of science and medicine.


For imaging system for quantitative live cell monitoring, and live cell imaging and analysis devices, call one of the most reliable life science equipment distributors in the USA, Nexus Scientific

Advancing Live Cell Research: Exploring Cutting-Edge Equipment for Cellular Analysis 

A range of cutting-edge technologies are now available to empower researchers to study living cells in real-time. From advanced microscopy systems to revolutionary Phase Holographic Imaging (PHI) Holomonitor, different live cell research equipment offer diverse capabilities and benefits. Join us as we dive into the realm of cellular analysis and discover the tools that enable scientists to unravel the mysteries of life at a cellular level.

Advanced Microscopy Systems

Microscopy is a cornerstone of live cell research, providing researchers with the ability to visualize and study cellular processes in real-time. Over the years, advancements in microscopy systems have revolutionized the field, offering improved resolution, imaging speed, and compatibility with live cell imaging techniques.


Confocal Microscopy: This technique employs a pinhole aperture to eliminate out-of-focus light, resulting in high-resolution, three-dimensional images of living cells. Confocal microscopy allows researchers to capture detailed structural information and observe dynamic cellular processes.


Fluorescence Microscopy: By using fluorescent probes that specifically label cellular structures or molecules of interest, fluorescence microscopy enables visualization of various cellular components, such as organelles or proteins. The technique offers excellent sensitivity and specificity, allowing for real-time tracking of cellular dynamics.


Super-resolution Microscopy: Super-resolution microscopy techniques, such as stimulated emission depletion (STED) microscopy and stochastic optical reconstruction microscopy (STORM), surpass the diffraction limit of traditional microscopy, enabling researchers to capture cellular details at the nanoscale level. These techniques provide unprecedented resolution and reveal intricate subcellular structures and interactions.

Live Cell Imaging Systems

Live cell imaging systems are designed to capture the dynamic behavior of living cells over time, providing valuable insights into cellular processes and responses to stimuli. These systems offer controlled environmental conditions, precise focus control, and minimal phototoxicity to ensure cell viability during prolonged imaging experiments.


Time-lapse Imaging: Time-lapse imaging allows researchers to capture sequential images of cells at specific intervals, providing a time-resolved view of cellular events. This technique is useful for studying cell migration, proliferation, and differentiation, as well as monitoring cellular responses to external stimuli.


Fluorescence Recovery After Photobleaching (FRAP): FRAP is a technique used to investigate molecular mobility within living cells. By photobleaching a specific region of interest and monitoring the subsequent recovery of fluorescence, researchers can determine the diffusion or binding properties of molecules, such as proteins or lipids.


Total Internal Reflection Fluorescence (TIRF) Microscopy: TIRF microscopy is well-suited for studying cellular events occurring near the plasma membrane. By selectively illuminating a thin section of the cell near the glass-substrate interface, TIRF microscopy minimizes background fluorescence, allowing for high-resolution imaging of membrane-associated processes, such as receptor signaling or vesicle trafficking.

Phase Holographic Imaging (PHI) Holomonitor

Phase Holographic Imaging (PHI) Holomonitor is a cutting-edge live cell imaging system that offers label-free and non-invasive quantitative analysis of living cells. Based on quantitative phase imaging (QPI) technology, the Holomonitor measures the optical thickness of cells, which correlates with cell volume and morphology.


The PHI Holomonitor provides real-time, high-resolution imaging of cell behavior, allowing researchers to observe cellular dynamics, proliferation, and migration without the need for fluorescent labeling or phototoxicity concerns. By analyzing cellular properties, such as cell area, volume, confluence, and motility, the Holomonitor enables quantitative assessment of cell health, viability, and response to various experimental conditions.


The non-invasive nature of PHI Holomonitor makes it particularly valuable for long-term live cell imaging experiments. Researchers can continuously monitor cellular behavior over extended periods, capturing data on cell growth, division, and response to drug treatments or environmental changes. The system also supports multiwell plate imaging, enabling high-throughput analysis and screening of drug compounds or genetic perturbations.


Advancements in live cell research equipment have revolutionized our understanding of cellular dynamics and opened new avenues for scientific discovery. From advanced microscopy systems that provide high-resolution imaging to live cell imaging platforms that enable real-time observation of cellular events, these technologies empower researchers to unravel the intricacies of life at a cellular level. The Phase Holographic Imaging (PHI) Holomonitor, with its label-free and non-invasive capabilities, represents a significant breakthrough in live cell imaging, allowing for quantitative analysis and long-term monitoring of cellular behavior. As the field of live cell research continues to evolve, these cutting-edge tools will drive new discoveries, deepening our understanding of cellular processes and paving the way for advancements in various fields, including regenerative medicine, drug discovery, and personalized healthcare.


For live cell research equipment, such as Phase Holographic Imaging Holomonitors, call one of the most reliable life science equipment distributors in the USA, Nexus Scientific

Transforming Cell Biology Research: Fluicell's Biopixlar 3D Single-Cell Bioprinting Platform

In the realm of cell biology research, technological advancements have always played a crucial role in pushing the boundaries of scientific exploration. One such groundbreaking innovation is Fluicell's Biopixlar 3D Single-Cell Bioprinting Platform. This cutting-edge technology has revolutionized the field by enabling precise manipulation and organization of individual cells in three-dimensional (3D) space. In this blog, we will delve into the capabilities and applications of this remarkable platform, highlighting its impact on cell biology research.

Unleashing the Power of Single-Cell Bioprinting

Traditional cell culture techniques often limit researchers to studying cell populations, making it challenging to dissect cellular behaviors at the individual cell level. However, with the Biopixlar 3D Single-Cell Bioprinting Platform, researchers can overcome this limitation and gain unprecedented control over cell placement and organization. This platform utilizes microfluidic technology to precisely dispense individual cells into customizable 3D patterns, allowing for the creation of intricate cell structures that closely mimic in vivo environments.

Unraveling Cellular Heterogeneity

One of the significant advantages of the Biopixlar platform is its ability to uncover the complexities of cellular heterogeneity. By precisely positioning individual cells within 3D structures, researchers can study cell-cell interactions, cellular responses to stimuli, and heterogeneity within a population. This level of spatial control facilitates the investigation of various biological processes, such as cell migration, differentiation, and communication, providing valuable insights into the dynamics of cellular behavior.

Advancing Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine

The Biopixlar 3D Single-Cell Bioprinting Platform holds immense potential in the field of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. With the ability to precisely place cells in predetermined patterns, researchers can create intricate tissue structures, recapitulating the complexity and organization of native tissues. This platform enables the development of functional tissue constructs, facilitating studies on tissue regeneration, disease modeling, and drug testing. By mimicking the in vivo microenvironment, researchers can gain a deeper understanding of tissue development and design innovative approaches for regenerative therapies.

Accelerating Drug Discovery and Personalized Medicine

The Biopixlar platform has also emerged as a game-changer in the realm of drug discovery and personalized medicine. By creating customized 3D cell models, researchers can evaluate the efficacy and toxicity of potential drug candidates with higher accuracy and relevance. The precise manipulation of individual cells allows for the study of drug responses at the single-cell level, providing valuable insights into intercellular variability and identifying optimal treatment strategies. This personalized approach to drug discovery holds great promise for advancing precision medicine and improving patient outcomes.

Pushing the Boundaries of Scientific Exploration

Fluicell's commitment to innovation and collaboration is evident in the continuous development and improvement of the Biopixlar 3D Single-Cell Bioprinting Platform. By actively engaging with the scientific community, Fluicell fosters collaborations and supports researchers in integrating this groundbreaking technology into their workflows. Comprehensive training, technical support, and ongoing advancements ensure that scientists can maximize the potential of the platform and push the boundaries of scientific exploration in cell biology research.


Fluicell's Biopixlar 3D Single-Cell Bioprinting Platform represents a paradigm shift in cell biology research. By enabling precise manipulation and organization of individual cells in 3D, this innovative technology has unlocked new avenues for investigating cellular behaviors, unraveling heterogeneity, advancing tissue engineering, and accelerating drug discovery. With Fluicell's dedication to driving scientific progress and their commitment to collaboration, we can expect even more exciting developments in single-cell bioprinting and its applications in the future.


As researchers continue to push the boundaries of scientific exploration, Fluicell's Biopixlar platform serves as a powerful tool in unraveling the complexities of cell biology. By harnessing the potential of single-cell bioprinting, scientists can delve deeper into the intricate workings of cells and gain a comprehensive understanding of their behavior within complex 3D environments.


If you are looking for a 3D single cell bioprinting platform, or non invasive 3D holotomography, check out Nexus Scientific or call (857) 264 6884. 

Tomocube: Advancing Label-Free Live-Cell Imaging

The field of live-cell imaging continues to evolve, with researchers striving to visualize samples without causing perturbations or altering the natural state of cells. Fluorescence techniques, while widely used, often come with limitations such as phototoxicity and the need for exogenous labels. However, Tomocube offers a unique solution through their innovative label-free holotomography technology.


Holotomography, a non-invasive imaging technique, enables high-resolution visualization of samples while maintaining the cell's natural state. Unlike fluorescence methods, which rely on the emission and detection of light, holotomography measures the refractive index (RI) of subcellular structures by allowing low levels of light to pass through the sample at multiple angles. This multi-angle approach provides 3D information and allows for quantification of essential parameters such as cell volume, surface area, and dry mass.


At the forefront of Tomocube's offerings is the HT-X, their high-throughput holotomographic microscope. Designed to accommodate multi-well plates, the HT-X combines the advantages of label-free 3D imaging at high resolution with the capability for 3D fluorescence imaging. Researchers can perform tile-stitching and multi-point analysis within each well, thanks to the motorized stage. Additionally, the built-in incubation system ensures optimal conditions for live-cell imaging experiments.


The HT-2H represents the second iteration of Tomocube's holotomographic microscopes. Building upon the success of its predecessor, the HT-2H provides label-free 3D imaging at high resolution, complemented by an external fluorescence module capable of capturing 3D fluorescence z-stacks. This integration allows researchers to overlay label-free data with traditional fluorescence information, expanding the range of insights that can be gained. The motorized system supports tile-stitching, multi-point analysis, and is compatible with a stage-top incubator to maintain precise environmental conditions during experiments.


Tomocube's first-generation holotomographic microscope, the HT-1H, showcases the company's commitment to advancing label-free live-cell imaging. Capable of high-resolution 3D imaging at a rapid rate of 2.5 frames per second, the HT-1H is equipped with a motorized stage for tile-stitching and multi-point analysis. The inclusion of a stage-top incubation chamber ensures optimal conditions for live-cell experiments, providing researchers with a comprehensive imaging setup.


With Tomocube's range of holotomography systems, researchers can delve into label-free live-cell imaging with confidence. The ability to visualize cells in their natural state, without the need for exogenous labels or dyes, opens up new possibilities for studying dynamic cellular processes. From quantifying cell parameters to overlaying fluorescence data, Tomocube's holotomography technology empowers researchers to explore the intricacies of cellular behavior, paving the way for groundbreaking discoveries in fields such as cell biology, drug discovery, and regenerative medicine.


As the field of live-cell imaging continues to advance, Tomocube remains at the forefront of innovation, driving the development of label-free techniques and providing researchers with the tools they need to uncover the mysteries of cellular dynamics. With their commitment to advancing scientific knowledge and their dedication to meeting the evolving needs of researchers, Tomocube continues to revolutionize the world of live-cell imaging, ushering in a new era of label-free exploration and discovery.


For live cell research equipment, call one of the most reliable life science equipment distributors in the USA, Nexus Scientific. Nexus is the authorized distributor of Tomocube’s HT Series for 3D label-free live cell imaging using their proprietary holotomography technique, PHI AB’s label-free Holomonitor for imaging and analysis of live cells, CellDynamics’s W8 Physical Cytometer for 3D Cell Culture Characterization, ROKIT Healthcare’s Dr. Invivo 4D6 Bioprinter and Organ Regenerator. 

Unleashing the Potential of Single Cell Tracking Assays in Live Cell Imaging

The field of cell biology relies heavily on the ability to track individual cells over time to understand their behavior and interactions. Single cell tracking assays have become invaluable tools for investigating cellular dynamics, migration, proliferation, and response to stimuli. Among the cutting-edge technologies available, the HoloMonitor live cell imaging system stands out as an exceptional solution for performing precise and insightful single cell tracking assays. In this blog post, we will explore the key advantages of the HoloMonitor system and its impact on the field of cell biology.

Label-free imaging

The HoloMonitor system employs label-free imaging techniques, enabling researchers to track cells without the need for exogenous markers or genetic modifications. This non-invasive approach preserves the natural state and function of cells, allowing for a more accurate representation of cellular behavior. Label-free imaging is particularly advantageous for long-term tracking assays, as it avoids potential phototoxicity and artifacts caused by labeling techniques. Researchers can observe and analyze cells in their native environment, providing valuable insights into cell migration, proliferation, and differentiation without perturbing their normal physiology.

Real-time, quantitative analysis

One of the major strengths of the HoloMonitor system is its ability to perform real-time, quantitative analysis of single cell dynamics. The system captures phase contrast images, generating high-resolution holographic recordings of cells. This allows for the extraction of various parameters, including cell morphology, size, motility, and proliferation rate. Real-time analysis provides immediate feedback on cell behavior, allowing researchers to monitor dynamic changes in real-time and adjust experimental conditions accordingly. The quantitative nature of the data obtained from the HoloMonitor system enables precise measurements and statistical analysis, facilitating robust and reliable conclusions.

High temporal and spatial resolution

The HoloMonitor system offers high temporal and spatial resolution, enabling the tracking of individual cells with exceptional detail. The system captures images at high frequencies, allowing researchers to observe rapid cellular processes and dynamic events that may occur within seconds or minutes. This high temporal resolution is especially valuable when studying cellular behaviors such as migration, cell cycle progression, and response to stimuli. Additionally, the system provides high spatial resolution, allowing for precise tracking of cell movements and interactions within complex cellular environments. The combination of high temporal and spatial resolution in the HoloMonitor system provides a comprehensive view of single cell behavior, enhancing our understanding of cellular dynamics.

Versatility in experimental setups

The HoloMonitor system offers versatility in experimental setups, accommodating a wide range of cell culture conditions and sample formats. It is compatible with standard cell culture dishes, multiwell plates, and specialized chambers, allowing researchers to tailor their experiments to specific research questions. The system can be integrated with environmental control systems to maintain optimal temperature, humidity, and gas composition for live cell imaging. This flexibility in experimental setups enables researchers to study various cell types, including adherent cells, suspension cells, and 3D cell cultures, expanding the applicability of single cell tracking assays across different areas of cell biology research.

User-friendly software and data analysis tools

To complement its powerful hardware, the HoloMonitor system is equipped with user-friendly software and data analysis tools. The software provides an intuitive interface for system control, image acquisition, and data analysis. Researchers can easily track individual cells, visualize their trajectories, measure migration distances, and analyze proliferation rates. The software also facilitates the quantification of various cellular parameters, including cell morphology changes over time. The user-friendly nature of the software allows researchers to streamline their workflow, saving time and effort in data analysis.


The HoloMonitor live cell imaging system has revolutionized single cell tracking assays in cell biology research. By leveraging the capabilities of the HoloMonitor system, researchers can unravel the intricacies of cellular dynamics, migration, proliferation, and response to stimuli with unprecedented precision and insight.


If you are looking for single cell tracking assays or a live cell imaging system, check out PHI HoloMonitor at NEXUS SCIENTIFIC or call 857-217-0936. 

Advantages of Holomonitor for label free live cell imaging: Revolutionizing Cell Biology Research 

In the field of cell biology, live cell imaging plays a crucial role in studying cellular dynamics, interactions, and behavior. Traditionally, fluorescence-based techniques have been widely used to visualize and track cellular processes. However, these techniques often require the use of exogenous labels or dyes, which can potentially alter cell behavior and introduce artifacts into the experiments. In recent years, the development of label-free imaging technologies, such as the Holomonitor, has revolutionized live cell imaging by offering numerous advantages over traditional fluorescence-based methods. In this blog post, we will explore the advantages of Holomonitor for label-free live cell imaging and how it is transforming cell biology research.

Preservation of Cell Viability and Functionality

One of the key advantages of Holomonitor is its ability to perform label-free imaging, which eliminates the need for exogenous labels or dyes. This non-invasive approach allows researchers to study live cells in their natural state, preserving cell viability and functionality. Cells are not subjected to any potential cytotoxic effects of labeling agents, ensuring that their behavior and physiological processes remain unaltered. This is particularly crucial for long-term time-lapse experiments, where cell viability and functionality are essential.

Real-Time Monitoring of Cellular Dynamics

Holomonitor enables real-time monitoring of cellular dynamics, providing researchers with valuable insights into the behavior of live cells. It allows for continuous and non-destructive imaging, enabling the observation of cellular processes such as cell division, migration, morphology changes, and response to stimuli in real-time. This dynamic imaging capability provides a more comprehensive understanding of cellular behavior and allows for the precise analysis of cellular kinetics.

Quantitative Analysis and Measurements

The Holomonitor system not only captures high-resolution images but also provides quantitative data and measurements for various cellular parameters. It utilizes phase-contrast imaging and digital holography to generate quantitative phase images, which can be used to extract information about cell morphology, thickness, volume, and refractive index. These quantitative measurements offer valuable insights into cellular properties and allow for the precise analysis of cellular changes over time.

High Throughput Imaging

With the ability to perform time-lapse imaging and capture images from multiple fields of view, the Holomonitor system enables high throughput imaging. This is particularly advantageous when studying large cell populations or performing high-content screening experiments. Researchers can obtain data from hundreds or thousands of cells simultaneously, allowing for statistical analysis and more robust conclusions. The high throughput capability of Holomonitor significantly accelerates data acquisition, making it an efficient tool for large-scale studies.

Versatility and Compatibility with Various Cell Types

Holomonitor is a versatile imaging platform that can be used with a wide range of cell types and experimental setups. It is compatible with adherent cells, suspension cells, and even complex multicellular systems. The label-free nature of Holomonitor eliminates any potential interference with specific cell types or labeling techniques, making it suitable for studying various biological processes and cell models. Additionally, Holomonitor can be integrated with other imaging modalities, such as fluorescence microscopy or confocal imaging, to further enhance the versatility and capabilities of the system.

Minimal Phototoxicity and Photobleaching

Fluorescence-based imaging techniques often involve the use of intense light sources, which can induce phototoxicity and photobleaching, leading to cellular damage and reduced imaging quality over time. In contrast, Holomonitor relies on low-intensity laser illumination, minimizing phototoxicity and photobleaching effects. This ensures the prolonged viability of cells during imaging experiments and allows for extended time-lapse studies without compromising cell health or image quality.

Cost-Effectiveness and Ease of Use

In addition to its scientific advantages, Holomonitor offers practical benefits as well. Compared to fluorescence-based imaging techniques that require expensive labeling reagents, Holomonitor is a cost-effective solution. The elimination of labeling agents significantly reduces the overall experimental cost, making it more accessible to researchers with limited budgets.


Moreover, Holomonitor is designed to be user-friendly and easy to operate. The system is equipped with intuitive software that allows researchers to set up experiments, acquire images, and analyze data efficiently. The user-friendly interface and automated features simplify the imaging process, saving time and reducing the learning curve associated with complex imaging techniques.


The advent of label-free live cell imaging techniques, such as the Holomonitor, has revolutionized the field of cell biology. By eliminating the need for exogenous labels or dyes, Holomonitor preserves cell viability and functionality, providing researchers with a non-invasive approach to study live cells in their natural state. The real-time monitoring of cellular dynamics, quantitative analysis, high throughput imaging, and compatibility with various cell types make Holomonitor an invaluable tool for cell biology research.


Additionally, the minimal phototoxicity, cost-effectiveness, and ease of use make Holomonitor a practical choice for both small-scale experiments and large-scale studies. Researchers can obtain high-quality data while minimizing experimental artifacts and ensuring the prolonged viability of cells during imaging experiments.


As label-free live cell imaging techniques continue to advance, they will undoubtedly play a significant role in unraveling the mysteries of cellular behavior and advancing our understanding of complex biological processes. The advantages offered by Holomonitor position it as a valuable tool in the arsenal of cell biologists, empowering them to explore the intricacies of live cells with unprecedented precision and clarity.


Overall, the Holomonitor® M4 is one of the most powerful live cell imaging and analysis devices. Its label-free, non-invasive, and real-time imaging capabilities make it an essential tool for cell biology research. 

4 Cutting-Edge Applications of Holomonitor® M4 in Cell Research

The Holomonitor® M4 is a state-of-the-art live cell imaging and analysis equipment that is revolutionizing cell research. It uses digital holographic microscopy to provide label-free, non-invasive, and real-time imaging of living cells. This technology enables researchers to study cell behavior and function in a more comprehensive and accurate way than traditional methods.


The Holomonitor® M4 has several applications in cell research, including cancer research, drug discovery, stem cell research, and immunology research.

Cancer Research

The Holomonitor® M4 can be used to study cancer cells in real-time. By tracking cell behavior, researchers can gain insights into cancer development, progression, and response to treatments. For example, the Holomonitor® M4 has been used to study the effects of chemotherapy on cancer cells. Researchers have found that chemotherapy can cause changes in the physical properties of cancer cells, such as size, shape, and motility. These changes can be monitored in real-time using the Holomonitor® M4, providing valuable information for the development of new cancer therapies.

Drug Discovery

The Holomonitor® M4 is a powerful tool for drug discovery. Traditional methods of drug discovery involve testing compounds on cell cultures and measuring the effect on cell viability or proliferation. However, these methods do not provide information on the dynamic behavior of cells, such as changes in cell morphology, motility, and interaction with neighboring cells. The Holomonitor® M4 enables researchers to study these dynamic cellular behaviors in real-time, providing a more comprehensive understanding of drug effects. This technology can also be used to identify new drug targets by studying changes in cell behavior in response to different compounds.

Stem Cell Research

The Holomonitor® M4 can be used to study the behavior and differentiation of stem cells. By monitoring changes in cell morphology, motility, and proliferation, researchers can gain insights into the factors that influence stem cell differentiation. For example, the Holomonitor® M4 has been used to study the effects of different culture conditions on stem cell differentiation. Researchers have found that changes in culture conditions can affect stem cell morphology, motility, and proliferation, which can be monitored in real-time using the Holomonitor® M4.

Immunology Research

The Holomonitor® M4 can also be used to study immune cells in real-time. By monitoring cell behavior, researchers can gain insights into immune cell function and response to different stimuli. For example, the Holomonitor® M4 has been used to study the effects of different cytokines on immune cell proliferation and migration. Researchers have found that different cytokines can have different effects on immune cell behavior, which can be monitored in real-time using the Holomonitor® M4.


Overall, the Holomonitor® M4 is a powerful tool for live cell imaging and analysis. Its label-free, non-invasive, and real-time imaging capabilities make it an essential tool for cell research. With its applications in cancer research, drug discovery, stem cell research, and immunology research, the Holomonitor® M4 has the potential to accelerate the pace of discovery and development in these fields.


If you are looking for single cell tracking assays or a live cell imaging system, check out PHI HoloMonitor at NEXUS SCIENTIFIC or call 857-217-0936. 

How Holomonitor® M4 can help you accelerate your Live Cell Imaging Research & Analysis

Accurate and efficient analysis of live cells is a critical component of cell research. This is where the Holomonitor® M4 comes in - it's a live cell imaging and analysis equipment that can help accelerate your cell research.


The Holomonitor® M4 is one of the most cutting-edge live cell imaging and analysis devices that allows researchers to obtain comprehensive data on their cells in real-time. It uses holographic technology to create images of live cells in three dimensions, enabling researchers to observe the behavior of their cells over time. The system includes a camera, microscope, and computer software that work together to provide real-time quantitative information on cell behavior.

How Does Holomonitor® M4 Work?

The Holomonitor® M4 uses holographic technology to capture images of live cells in real-time. The system projects a laser beam onto the sample, which creates a hologram of the cells. This hologram is then projected onto a camera sensor, which captures an image of the cells. The camera sensor captures a series of images over time, allowing researchers to observe the behavior of the cells.


The system's software analyzes the holographic images to obtain quantitative data on the cells, such as cell count, cell size, and cell morphology. The software can also be used to analyze cell behavior, such as cell migration and cell division.

Benefits of Holomonitor® M4


      Real-time cell analysis: The Holomonitor® M4 is an imaging system for quantitative live cell monitoring that allows researchers to obtain real-time quantitative data on their cells, providing a comprehensive understanding of cell behavior


      Non-invasive: The system is non-invasive, allowing researchers to observe cells over time without causing damage to the cells.


      High-resolution imaging: The Holomonitor® M4 uses holographic technology to create high-resolution images of live cells, enabling researchers to observe fine details of cell behavior.


      Easy to use: The system's software is user-friendly, making it easy for researchers to obtain quantitative data on their cells.


      Multi-parameter analysis: The system can analyze multiple parameters of cell behavior, such as cell count, cell size, and cell morphology, enabling researchers to obtain comprehensive data on their cells.


      Versatility: The Holomonitor® M4 can be used to analyze a wide range of cell types, including cancer cells, stem cells, and immune cells.

Applications of Holomonitor® M4


      Cancer research: The system can be used to study cancer cells and their behavior, providing insights into tumor development and progression.


      Drug discovery: The Holomonitor® M4 can be used to screen potential drug candidates, providing researchers with real-time data on the effects of drugs on live cells.


      Stem cell research: The system can be used to study stem cells and their behavior, providing insights into stem cell differentiation and regeneration.


      Immunology research: The Holomonitor® M4 can be used to study immune cells and their behavior, providing insights into the immune response and potential immunotherapies.








Zhu, Chenghao, Wenbo Wang, Jianping Fu, Wei Wu, and Yingying Huang. "Investigating Stem Cell Behaviors by Using Holographic Microscopy." Stem Cells International 2017 (2017): 7646857. 

Single cell tracking assays in live cell imaging

Single cell tracking assays have become increasingly popular in live cell imaging studies due to the ability to analyze and quantify individual cell behavior over time. This approach allows for the assessment of cell proliferation, migration, differentiation, and death, providing insight into the dynamics of cellular processes. In this blog post, we will explore the benefits and applications of single cell tracking assays in live cell imaging, as well as the equipment and software available for this approach.

Benefits of Single Cell Tracking Assays

Single cell tracking assays provide several advantages over conventional bulk analysis techniques, such as endpoint assays, by providing a more detailed and dynamic view of cellular behavior. With single cell tracking assays, researchers can identify and track individual cells over time, allowing for the characterization of cell heterogeneity within a population. This approach is particularly useful for understanding how specific subpopulations of cells respond to experimental manipulations and for studying the dynamics of cell behavior in response to changing microenvironments. Additionally, single cell tracking assays can provide valuable data for modeling cell behavior and predicting the outcome of biological processes.

Applications of Single Cell Tracking Assays

Single cell tracking assays have been used in a variety of applications, including cell migration studies, stem cell differentiation studies, drug discovery, and cancer research. For example, in cancer research, single cell tracking assays can be used to study cancer cell invasion and migration, which are crucial steps in cancer metastasis. By tracking individual cancer cells in response to different treatments, researchers can gain insight into the mechanisms of cancer cell invasion and identify potential therapeutic targets. In stem cell research, single cell tracking assays can be used to study the differentiation of stem cells into specific cell types, such as neurons or muscle cells. This approach can provide insights into the mechanisms underlying stem cell differentiation and facilitate the development of new regenerative therapies.

Equipment and Software for Single Cell Tracking Assays

Several tools and software programs are available for single cell tracking assays. These include automated microscopes, image analysis software, and machine learning algorithms. Automated microscopes, such as the IncuCyte Live-Cell Analysis System, allow for high-throughput imaging of cells over extended periods of time. This system can be used for a variety of applications, including cell proliferation, migration, and invasion assays. Additionally, several image analysis software programs, such as CellProfiler and ImageJ, are available for tracking individual cells in live cell imaging experiments. These programs can automatically detect and track cells over time, providing valuable data on cell behavior. Machine learning algorithms, such as those available in the DeepCell software platform, can also be used for single cell tracking assays, providing more accurate and precise cell tracking than traditional image analysis methods.

The Bottom Line

Single cell tracking assays provide a powerful tool for studying the dynamics of cellular behavior in live cell imaging experiments. With the availability of automated microscopes, image analysis software, and machine learning algorithms, researchers can obtain detailed insights into cell behavior at the individual cell level. The applications of single cell tracking assays are wide-ranging, from cancer research to stem cell differentiation studies. By leveraging the benefits of single cell tracking assays, researchers can gain valuable insights into the mechanisms underlying biological processes and develop new therapies for a variety of diseases.




IncuCyte Live-Cell Analysis System. (n.d.). Retrieved March 17, 2023, from


CellProfiler. (n.d.). Retrieved March 17, 2023, from


ImageJ. (n.d.). Retrieved March 17, 2023, from


DeepCell. (n.d.). Retrieved March 17, 2023, from


Gritti, M., & Gudjonsson, T. (2021). Single-cell tracking in live-cell imaging. Biophysical Reviews, 13(2), 375-387.


He, L., Vanlandewijck, M., Mae, M. A., & Andaloussi Mäe, M. (2018). Single-Cell RNA sequencing in light of intracellular heterogeneity. Frontiers in cell and developmental biology, 6, 56.


Li, W., Li, J., Shu, S., Jiang, J., & Chen, S. (2019). Advances in single-cell tracking of stem cells in regenerative medicine. Stem cells international, 2019, 8395680.


In conclusion, single cell tracking assays have emerged as powerful tools for studying the dynamics of cellular behavior in live cell imaging experiments. These assays offer a unique ability to track individual cells over time, providing valuable data on cell behavior and cell heterogeneity within a population. Researchers can leverage this approach to study a wide range of cellular processes, including cell migration, proliferation, differentiation, and death. With the availability of automated microscopes, image analysis software, and machine learning algorithms, researchers can obtain detailed insights into cell behavior at the individual cell level. Ultimately, the use of single cell tracking assays can help advance our understanding of biological processes and support the development of new therapies for a variety of diseases.


If you are looking for single cell tracking assays or a live cell imaging system, check out PHI HoloMonitor at NEXUS SCIENTIFIC or call 857-217-0936. 

PHI Holomonitor: Perfect imaging system for quantitative live cell monitoring

As live cell monitoring becomes increasingly important in life science research, the need for accurate and reliable imaging systems has grown. The PHI Holomonitor is one such system that has gained popularity for its ability to provide quantitative data in real-time. In this blog, we will explore why PHI Holomonitor is the perfect imaging system for quantitative live cell monitoring.

What is PHI Holomonitor?

PHI Holomonitor is a holographic imaging system that allows non-invasive imaging of living cells in real-time. Unlike traditional imaging techniques, which require staining or fluorescent markers, the PHI Holomonitor uses a laser to generate a holographic image of the cells. This image can then be used to extract quantitative data, such as cell morphology, size, and proliferation rate, without harming the cells or interfering with their natural behavior.

Why is PHI Holomonitor ideal for quantitative live cell monitoring?


Non-invasive imaging

One of the most significant advantages of the PHI Holomonitor is that it allows non-invasive imaging of living cells. This means that researchers can monitor cells in real-time without having to introduce any exogenous agents or chemicals that could affect cell behavior or function. The non-invasive nature of the PHI Holomonitor also makes it ideal for long-term monitoring of cell behavior, as the cells are not subjected to any undue stress or damage.


High-resolution imaging

The PHI Holomonitor is capable of generating high-resolution holographic images of living cells, with a resolution of up to 0.2 microns. This allows researchers to accurately measure cell size, shape, and morphology, and track changes in these parameters over time. The high-resolution imaging also makes it possible to detect subtle changes in cell behavior, such as changes in cell motility or migration, which may not be visible with other imaging techniques.


Real-time monitoring

The PHI Holomonitor allows real-time monitoring of living cells, providing researchers with immediate feedback on changes in cell behavior or function. This is especially important in time-sensitive experiments, where changes in cell behavior may occur rapidly and need to be monitored closely. Real-time monitoring also allows researchers to intervene quickly if necessary, such as by adding a drug or changing the culture conditions, to investigate the effects on cell behavior.


Automated data analysis

The PHI Holomonitor provides automated analysis of cell behavior, eliminating the need for manual analysis. The system generates quantitative data that is analyzed using proprietary software, which enables researchers to obtain accurate and reproducible results. The software also provides various analysis tools, such as cell tracking and statistical analysis, enabling researchers to analyze large datasets efficiently.



The PHI Holomonitor is a cost-effective solution for live cell monitoring. The system is easy to use and requires minimal training, reducing the need for specialized personnel. The non-invasive and label-free imaging also eliminates the need for expensive reagents or equipment, reducing the overall cost of research.


If you are looking for an imaging system for quantitative live cell monitoring or live cell imaging and analysis devices in the USA, check out PHI Holomonitor at NEXUS SCIENTIFIC or call 857-217-0936. 

Applications of Non-Invasive 3D Holotomography In Live Cell Research

Non-invasive 3D holotomography is a promising imaging technology that is transforming the field of live cell research. By using light to scan living cells from multiple angles, it generates a 3D image that provides unprecedented levels of detail and resolution, without damaging or altering the cells. This makes it an ideal tool for studying the dynamic behavior of live cells in their natural state, allowing researchers to gain new insights into their structure, function, and behavior.


Here are some of the most exciting applications of non-invasive 3D holotomography in live cell research.

Visualizing cellular processes in real-time

One of the key advantages of non-invasive 3D holotomography is its ability to capture dynamic cellular processes in real-time. By scanning cells at high speeds, researchers can track changes in morphology, volume, and refractive index over time, providing a detailed view of how cells respond to different stimuli, such as drugs or environmental changes. This can help uncover new mechanisms underlying cellular processes, such as cell division, migration, and differentiation, and inform the development of new treatments for diseases.

Studying cell-cell interactions and communication

Non-invasive 3D holotomography is also useful for studying cell-cell interactions and communication. By imaging cells in 3D, researchers can observe how cells interact with each other and their environment, and how they communicate through signals such as cytokines or neurotransmitters. This can shed light on how cells work together to form tissues and organs, and how they respond to pathogenic or environmental challenges. It can also help develop new approaches to tissue engineering and regenerative medicine, by providing a detailed view of how cells behave in complex, 3D environments.

Monitoring cell viability and health

Non-invasive 3D holotomography can also be used to monitor the health and viability of living cells. By measuring changes in refractive index and other parameters, researchers can detect subtle changes in cellular morphology and function, which can indicate early signs of cell damage or death. This can be particularly useful in drug discovery and toxicology studies, where researchers need to assess the impact of different compounds on cells, without causing cell death or altering their natural state.

Developing new diagnostic and imaging tools

Non-invasive 3D holotomography can also be used to develop new diagnostic and imaging tools for medical applications. By imaging cells and tissues in 3D, researchers can identify structural and functional changes that are not visible with conventional imaging techniques, such as X-ray or MRI. This can lead to the development of new diagnostic tools for diseases such as cancer, where early detection and accurate diagnosis are critical for effective treatment.

Uncovering new mechanisms underlying disease

Finally, non-invasive 3D holotomography is a powerful tool for uncovering new mechanisms underlying disease. By studying live cells in their natural state, researchers can identify cellular processes and pathways that are disrupted in disease, and develop new strategies to target these processes. This can lead to the development of new treatments for a wide range of diseases, including cancer, neurological disorders, and autoimmune diseases.


In conclusion, non-invasive 3D holotomography is a promising imaging technology that has the potential to revolutionize the field of live cell research. By providing unprecedented levels of detail and resolution, without damaging or altering living cells, it offers new opportunities to study the dynamic behavior of cells in their natural state, and uncover new mechanisms underlying cellular processes and diseases. As this technology continues to evolve, we can expect to see more applications in a wide range of fields, from basic research to clinical applications.


If you are looking for a 3D single cell bioprinting platform or non-invasive 3D holotomography, visit NEXUS SCIENTIFIC or call 857-217-0936. 

Latest Technological Strides in Life Cell Research Equipment

Life cell research equipment has come a long way in recent years, with numerous technological strides being made that are changing the way we study living cells. These latest advancements are opening up new avenues for research, enabling us to better understand the complex processes that occur within living cells.


Here are some of the latest technological strides in life cell research equipment.

High-Resolution Microscopes

Advances in microscopy technology have made it possible to capture high-resolution images of living cells in real-time. This includes confocal and super-resolution microscopy, which allow researchers to study cellular structures and processes at a subcellular level.

Live Cell Imaging

Live cell imaging has become a crucial tool in cell biology research, allowing us to observe the behavior of cells in real-time. This includes time-lapse imaging, which enables researchers to monitor changes in cellular behavior over time.


For example, HT-X by Tomocube is a high-throughput Holotomographic microscope. It is capable of 3D label-free imaging at high resolution and 3D fluorescence imaging. The motorized stage allows for tiling and multi-point analysis within each well, in addition to moving between wells. A built-in incubation system completes the live-cell imaging setup.


Microfluidic devices are small, sophisticated systems that allow researchers to study cells in a controlled environment. These devices can mimic the conditions found within living organisms, enabling researchers to better understand how cells behave in different environments.


The CRISPR-Cas9 system is a revolutionary gene-editing technology that has transformed the way we study living cells. This system allows researchers to make precise modifications to the genetic code of cells, enabling them to study the effects of specific genetic changes on cellular behavior.

Artificial Intelligence

Advances in artificial intelligence and machine learning are changing the way we analyze and interpret data from life cell research equipment. These technologies can be used to identify patterns in large datasets, enabling researchers to make new discoveries and gain a deeper understanding of cellular processes.


Organoids are miniature, three-dimensional organ-like structures that are grown in the lab from living cells. These structures can be used to study complex cellular processes, including disease progression and drug efficacy, in a controlled environment.


Overall, the latest technological strides in life cell research equipment are opening up new possibilities for research and discovery. As technology continues to advance, it is likely that we will continue to make new breakthroughs in our understanding of living cells, and the role they play in human health and disease.


If you are looking for live cell research equipment in USA or life science equipment distributor in USA, visit NEXUS SCIENTIFIC or call 857-217-0936. 

3 Big Benefits of Holotomography in Live-Cell Imaging

Holotomography is a cutting-edge imaging technique that allows for the non-destructive, 3D imaging of live cells. This technique utilizes holographic microscopy to capture detailed images of cells and their internal structures, providing researchers with valuable insights into cellular activity and behavior. The benefits of holotomography in live-cell imaging are numerous, and this article will explore some of the key advantages of this powerful technology.

High-Res Images

One of the most significant benefits of holotomography is its ability to provide high-resolution, 3D images of live cells. Traditional imaging techniques, such as confocal microscopy and electron microscopy, often require the fixation and sectioning of cells, which can alter their natural state and make it difficult to study cellular dynamics. Holotomography, on the other hand, uses holographic microscopy to capture detailed images of cells without altering their natural state. This allows researchers to study the behavior and activity of cells in real-time, providing a more accurate and complete understanding of cellular processes.

Captures both brightfield and fluorescence images

Another major benefit of holotomography is its ability to capture both brightfield and fluorescence images of cells. Brightfield imaging is a traditional imaging technique that uses light to capture images of cells and their structures. Fluorescence imaging, on the other hand, uses special dyes that bind to specific cellular structures, allowing researchers to visualize specific cellular components in great detail. Holotomography combines both of these techniques, allowing researchers to capture detailed images of both the overall structure of cells and specific cellular components.

Cell dynamics study

Additionally, holotomography is also useful for studying the dynamics of cells and their internal structures. The technique allows researchers to capture images of cells at different time points, providing a detailed look at how cells change over time. This can be particularly useful for studying the progression of diseases or the effects of drugs on cells. Holotomography can also provide detailed images of cells at different stages of the cell cycle, which can be used to study the mechanisms of cell division and growth.


One more benefit of holotomography is its ability to study a variety of different cell types and samples, including both single cells and cell populations. Holotomography can also be used to study cells in a variety of different environments, including in culture, in vivo, and in situ. This versatility makes holotomography a powerful tool for studying a wide range of cellular processes and phenomena.


In conclusion, holotomography is a cutting-edge imaging technique that provides many benefits for live-cell imaging. Its ability to capture high-resolution, 3D images of live cells without altering their natural state, its ability to capture both brightfield and fluorescence images, its ability to study the dynamics of cells and their internal structures, and its versatility to study a wide range of cell types and samples make it a powerful tool for researchers and a valuable addition to live-cell imaging technology.


Whether you need live cell imaging for single cells or cell populations, read more about Tomocube’s high-throughput Holotomographic microscopes at Nexus Scientific or call (857) 217-0936.The HT-X, HT-2H and HT-1H Holotomographic microscopesallowlabel-free 3D live-cell imaging at a high resolutionand 3D fluorescence imaging. 

Benefits of oxidative stress over lactic acid testing for athletes

Oxidative stress and lactic acid testing are both important markers for athletes to monitor, as they indicate different aspects of the body's response to exercise. Oxidative stress measures the number of free radicals in the body, while lactic acid testing measures the accumulation of lactic acid in the muscles. Both of these markers have their own unique benefits for athletes, and understanding the differences between them can help athletes make informed decisions about their training and recovery.


One of the main benefits of oxidative stress testing is that it can provide insight into the overall health of an athlete. Free radicals are molecules that can cause damage to cells and tissues in the body, and high levels of oxidative stress can indicate a lack of antioxidant protection. This can lead to inflammation, which can cause pain and injury. By monitoring oxidative stress, athletes can identify areas where they may need to increase their antioxidant intake, such as through diet or supplements, in order to improve their overall health and reduce their risk of injury.


In contrast, lactic acid testing can provide insight into an athlete's muscle function and fitness level. Lactic acid is produced during intense exercise, and it can cause muscle pain and fatigue. By measuring lactic acid levels, athletes can determine how well their muscles are able to clear lactic acid, which can indicate their fitness level. Athletes can also use lactic acid testing to identify areas where they may need to focus their training in order to improve their muscle function and overall performance.


Another benefit of oxidative stress testing is that it can be used to monitor the effectiveness of an athlete's recovery. Oxidative stress can increase during periods of intense training, and it can take time for the body to repair the damage caused by free radicals. By monitoring oxidative stress levels, athletes can determine how well their body is recovering and make adjustments to their recovery plan if necessary.


On the other hand, Lactic acid testing can be used to monitor the progress of a training plan. By measuring lactic acid levels before and after a training session, athletes can track their progress over time and make adjustments to their training plan as needed.


In summary, both oxidative stress and lactic acid testing have unique benefits for athletes. Oxidative stress testing can provide insight into overall health and recovery, while lactic acid testing can provide insight into muscle function and fitness level. Athletes can use both of these markers to make informed decisions about their training and recovery, and to improve their overall performance.


It's important to note that it's essential for an athlete to consult with a professional such as a doctor, sports medicine practitioner, or sports scientist before undertaking any testing to understand the proper way to interpret the results and how it can be applied to their specific training and performance goals.



If you or your athlete needs to track their oxidative stress throughout a training cycle to make sure they are creating positive adaptations without causing cell damage, get the O2 Score System and mobile app at Nexus Scientific or call (857) 217-0936. 

6 CommonPitfalls with Live Cell Experiments

It is not uncommon for live cell experiments to go wrong. If that happens, you lose valuable resources and get misleading results. Here are 6 common pitfalls you should avoid in your live cell experiments.

Stressed cells

Many live cell experiments are destined to fail from the beginning because the cells are far from the exponential growth phase. The other reason could be the cells are stressedbefore the experiment, say while transferring from the incubator to the plate reader.

Experimental complexity

Live cell assays are usually complex because you need to consider a number of factors, such as cell types, fluorescent probes, time points, doses, replicates, control wells, cell types, and so on.The more elaborate the experiment, the higher the variability. Manual steps and complicated instrument control software can further increase the odds of error. Fortunately, cell imaging platforms are now so advanced that they can help you accommodate necessary complexity. Check out the Tomocube 3D holotomography microscopes.

Inability to adapt

Due to the variability in living cells,you may have to adjust protocols and timings as you go, if you want a consistent assay. You may want to start your assay a few hours after seeding but your chances of more consistent results may be higher if you wait till the cells reach their optimal confluence. In addition, how do you manage if the cells reach 80% confluence in your absence? You may be tempted to start the assay at the wrong confluence rather than restart and adjust the timings.When you ignore timings to fit your schedule, the assay may work, but your results may be questioned.


The cells may be subjected to stress due to mechanical or environmental disturbances. It can cause cell behaviors to change, and in the worst case, cause cell death. These disturbances can come from lid-lifting, harsh reagents, wash steps, and transfer of plates.


Your assays may work at the prototype stage but fail when scaled up. You may notice amplification of the number of replicates, pipetting steps, samples and compounds.Scale-up may also mean dealing with very small liquid volumes, making evaporation a significant concern. The odds of errors and contamination also increases.

Image management challenges

Depending on the complexity ofyour live cell imaging experiment,you may be generating thousandsof images each run. Data storage is not cheap and your servers may be saturated soon.If that occurs in a critical run, you may lose the whole data set, which means losing valuable resources. You may want to consider limiting the number of images you need.


Whether you need live cell imaging for single cells or cell populations, read more about Tomocube’s high-throughput Holotomographic microscopes at Nexus Scientific or call (857) 217-0936.The HT-X, HT-2H and HT-1H Holotomographic microscopesallowlabel-free 3D live-cell imaging at a high resolutionand 3D fluorescence imaging.