Internet Safety / Digital Citizenship

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Resources for Families:

Netsmartz: A website sponsored by the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. Provides videos to help address cybersafety, cyberbullying prevention for educators, law enforcement and parents and families. Excellent resource for student interaction with, videos, quizzes and activity cards.

Common Sense Education Family Resources - For kids, digital life is real life. It's where they build friendships, take a stand on issues, and do so much more. Encourage kids and their families to reflect on their media habits and build digital citizenship skills with this collection of articles, videos, printable handouts, conversation starters, ready-made workshops, and more. Covering a range of topics -- from online safety to learning with technology

OnGuardOnline: – A website from the federal government that gives safety advice as well as access to games that teach safety skills and short video clips that teach as well. One of the best sites out there for adult, middle school and high school resources in the area of Internet safety. Covers topics like social networking sites, online auctions, phishing scams, spyware prevention and much more. great for elementary students and lower, middle-level students can be used to facilitate discussions, realistic situations for students to decide responsible behaviors

Digital Citizenship, Online Safety, & Civility: Another internet safety site with information adapted from the National Center for Missing and Exploited children. – read recent posts for up to date information as well as access to free reproducible, esp. good, student and parent contracts, scroll down to Pages.

Computer Crime & Intellectual Property Section United States Department of Justice:  A website from the US government that provides access to real court cases involving technology. Students can see the punishments for computer crimes.

Website Credibilty Resources by Kathy Schrock : This set of resources is one of my favorites and is mainly for educators to access resources to help students learn about the importance of critically evaluating websites.