☘️ March 3, 2021 ☘️

Join us at 8:15 for a zoom meeting,

then you will find activities for the rest of the day!

Click the link below.

Tasks #1 and #2

Today we want you to watch the video for this book,

"One Tiny Turtle" by Nicola Davies. We will be reading several of her books this week.

The picture will take you to the video!

Use your recording sheet to draw and write one thing you learned about sea turtles from this fabulous book.

Task #3

Make a tiny turtle hatching from an egg!

"Hatching" Turtle Instructions

Color the turtle (and the egg, if you wish). Cut the jagged line on the paper plate egg. Fasten your turtle to the back of the egg shell pieces with the metal brad so that it can "hatch"

Open and shut the shell to demonstrate the hatching of the baby turtle.

Nicola Davies

Optional Task #4

Nicola Davies

Did you like the book about turtles? Nicola Davies has written MANY books. This book room has just a few of her books. Choose one (or more) to enjoy!