Birthday Celebrations 

We love celebrating your child's special day! To celebrate your child, he/she will receive a birthday crown, a small treat, and we will play a Happy Birthday  video-song for your child at the end of the day.

If your child's birthday falls on a weekend, we will celebrate on the Friday prior to your child's birthday.  If your child has a summer birthday,  we will celebrate your child's half-birthday. 

If you would like to bring treats to share with the class, here are some options: 

Birthday treats will be handed out at the end of the day.

     Here are some ideas:  raisin boxes, fruit cups, "cutie" oranges, applesauce or yogurt squeeze pouches, juice boxes, cracker packs. 

Please do not send cake, cupcakes, or doughnuts.  

     Here are some ideas:  Bubbles, Play dough, bouncy balls, lip balm, stickers, pencils, erasers, crazy straws, yo-yos, glow sticks. 

   * Our birthday treat guidelines reflect the standards of the Utah State Wellness Policy.  

Class Parties 

 We will celebrate three class parties throughout the school year: 

Halloween / Fall Party  

Christmas / Winter Party 

End of Year Party

Our parties are coordinated by our room parents, but your help and participation is essential to making them a success.  You are very welcome to join our celebrations!  

We will have fun class activities to celebrate Thanksgiving and Valentine's Day as well. 

We have 22 students in our home room class and 2 adults.  

Food Allergies   

In this 2023-24 school year,  we have the following FOOD ALLERGIES:  peanuts and tree nuts.  

Please be considerate of these allergies if you plan to bring edible treats for our class.