Parent's Place

PGL Program Night

Dear Parents,

This questionnaire has been created to help me better understand your child. I would greatly appreciate your input by completing this Google Form at your convenience. If you would prefer to discuss these questions rather than write responses I am happy to contact you.

Thank you!

Jackie Mason

IEP Fact Sheet


Community Resources

Association for Bright Children

ABC Ottawa and

Autism Society (Ottawa Chapter)

Learning Disabilities Association of Ottawa

Ottawa Catholic School Board - Special Education and Student Services Department

Important Information

ABSENCES: When you know your child will be absent from PGL, even if it's due to a school event, please call STS (Student Transportation) to let them know, so that the van isn't waiting for your child. The phone number is 613-723-9677.

Also, please send an email to the St. Emily PGL teacher: Jackie Mason -

Thank you!

It's Back PI-RHO & PGL for lunch!! Complete this for to order lunch from Pi-rho for your child.