Get Involved!!

Being involved is a great way to make new friends, hang out with old friends and feel like you are part of the school community.  You can be involved in sports, student council, drama productions or clubs.  Here is what we often have going on:

National Biology Competition Team


Gay Straight Alliance (be a yourself, be an ally)


Cappies Theatre Critics Team (love drama? love to write?)

Field Hockey (open to girls, no experience necessary, starts in the fall)

Student Ambassadors (help at Woodroffe functions, often provide tours)

Golf (fall sport, no experience necessary)


Concert Bands

Duke of Edinburgh Program


Stage Band



Touch Football

Track and Field

International Affairs Club (interested in what is going on in the world, like politics?)

Ultimate Frisbee



Environmental Club

Website Club

Students Council (all you have to do to join is show up, no election for members, easiest way to get involved, be in the know)

Student Leadership Class

Technical Stage Crew (run the show behind the scenes, lighting, sound, props)

The Sears Drama Festival (DRAMA!!)

Woodroffe HS Athletic Association (WAA) (plan intramurals, keep score at the sports events)

Woodroffe HS Musical Production


International Excursions