French Immersion

How many French credits do I need to get my Immersion/Extended certificate?

To complete the French Immersion Certificate, you need 10 French credits (an Extended French Certificate, is 7 courses). In each case, four of these courses must include the “FIF” Core French courses.  Example FIF1D (grade 9 French).

A typical path includes the following French courses:

Grade 9  FIF1D (French class), CGC1DF (Geography), SNC1DF (Science)

Grade 10 FIF2D (French class), CHC2DF (History), SNC2DF (Science), CHV2OF/GLC2OF (Civics/Careers)

Grade 11 FIF3U (French class), choice of SBI3UF (Biology) and/or HSP3UF (Introduction to Anthropology)

Grade 12 FIF4U