Naomi Jackson Groves Library
To search for books in our library, click the icon above or click here:
Can't find a book in our library?
Try the following:
Looking for a book to read online? Check out Sora. Access through the VLE. Check back for new titles! Select the "Young Adult Fiction" Tab
Read about A.Y. Jackson's Academic Policies & Procedures, learn about referencing and documentation using Noodletools
Have a good link? Let Mrs. Wickett know so it can be added to our website.
Library Hours
The library is usually open from 8:45-9:10 each morning.
It is closed from 9:10-10:30 EVERYDAY.
It is closed from 12:45-12:00 and reopens during the lunch time.
Homework Help: 3:30-5:30 Monday to Thursday
If you have any questions about the library hours, please ask Mrs. Wickett.
Description of the three icons
The eagle to represent First Nations
The narwhal to represent Inuit
The beaded flower to represent Métis
Source: Government of Canada
Resources National Day for Truth and Reconciliation (2024/2025)
Sharing the Message of Truth and Reconciliation (focus on pages 2-4)
Learning Resources About First Nations, Inuit and Métis Across Canada
By accessing the VLE, directly, you do not require a username or password even from home! The VLE gives you access to D2L and the EBSCOHOST databases.
Select the following links to watch tutorials on using the EBSCOhost Databases.
1) Watch "Introduction to EBSCOhost" first!
2) "Basic Searching"
3) "Advanced Searching"
4) "Reading an Article"
5) "Citing Articles" (Important! EBSCOhost can directly export your citation to Noodletools!)
Do you need to email a teacher? Watch this 2- minute video on "Email Etiquette" to make sure you are using the proper structure and tone.
Students enjoying a visit from St. John's Ambulance Therapy dog, Theo.
Lunchtime visits from Panda on Fridays at lunch in the library.