Welcome to our Virtual Library

Bienvenue à notre biblio virtuelle

Black History Month

These resources are from our teachers of OCDSB

Black History Month and beyond: "A few OCDSB Educators have put together a slideshow for K-3 students and are sharing it with the system. Please click the link K-3 Black History Month 2022 Slideshow to view it. We thank the teachers for their hard work on this project."

Remembrance Day Jour du Souvenir

What is the true meaning of a poppy?

Our red poppy is a symbol of both Remembrance and hope for a peaceful future. Poppies are worn as a show of support for the Armed Forces community. The poppy is a well-known and well-established symbol, one that carries a wealth of history and meaning with it.

À l’occasion du jour du Souvenir, nous rendons hommage à ceux qui ont donné leur vie pour notre pays

Remembrance Day (New )

Black History Month

These resources are from our teachers of OCDSB

Black History Month and beyond: "A few OCDSB Educators have put together a slideshow for K-3 students and are sharing it with the system. Please click the link K-3 Black History Month 2022 Slideshow to view it. We thank the teachers for their hard work on this project."

Des histoires à lire en ligne pour les 8 - 12 ans


Découvrez des histoires jeunesse à lire en ligne pour les 8 - 12 ans.

Des lectures de 5 à 20 min, de tout genre : policier, humour, aventure, ...

Sora :Reading and Listening Application

Sora is a resource that allows you to borrow ebooks and audiobooks from libraries you are registered with. As OCDSB student you already have an account .

For eBooks and audiobooks, go to VLE, the Virtual Learning Environment in the OCDSB Student Portal and log in to Sora.

There are now 250+ new French titles on Sora! To find Sora, go the the VLE (virtual learning environment). Students can access them through the Student Portal on the ocdsb.ca site. Then choose either k-6 or 7-12 to find the Sora titles.

Psychoeduction for kids

Let's Talk about Trauma...

What is a trauma? Trauma is the response to a deeply distressing or disturbing event that overwhelms an individual’s ability to cope, causes feelings of helplessness, diminishes their sense of self and their ability to feel a full range of emotions and experiences.

Using Some picture books to help talk about trauma and also can help children understand they are not alone. It can provide an opening for conversations with an adult about what they've gone through. And from there, that trusted adult can help the child to feel safe.

Join host Waubgeshig Rice for a virtual launch event celebrating the 25 titles selected for the 2021 edition of From Sea to Sea to Sea: Celebrating Indigenous Picture Books.

National Indigenous History Month and National Indigenous Peoples Day

In June, Canadians celebrate National Indigenous History Month to honour the history, heritage and diversity of Indigenous peoples in Canada.

Le Mois national de l'histoire autochtone 2021

En juin, nous commémorons le Mois national de l'histoire autochtone pour connaitre l'histoire, les traditions et la diversité des peuples des Premières Nations, des Inuits et des Métis

Le Cercle d'apprentissage: Ressources pédagogiques

Trouvez des exercices, des projets et des activités qui s'adressent aux élèves de 4 à 16 ans en cliquant sur le grand titre (le cercle d'apprentissage)

La Bibliothèque des Amériques créée par le Centre de la francophonie des Amériques donne accès gratuitement à ses membres à des milliers de livres numériques d’auteurs provenant des Amériques.

Des livres et des activités en ligne permettant d'apprendre à connaitre les lettres et leurs sons, à compter les syllabes et à enrichir le vocabulaire, tout en développant le goût de la lecture.

Reading Pioneers Academy

These videos are dedicated to helping children and students improve their English through reading and debate

Il était une histoire: des histoires pour nos petits lecteurs de 3 à 10 ans

Math Activities: Junior -Intermediate

Online math & games for K-grade 6

Looking for E books & audiobooks to read ... you can access all these resources

Story time from space

Click the underlined title to listen to space stories read by some astronauts.

Yoga Mindfulness Relaxation for Kids