Welcome to AP Computer Science! This site offers plenty of information for you to use at your disposal throughout the semester. You will be able to download class handouts as well as get updates on current events in class. I will try to keep it updated as much as possible. The syllabus for this course can be found by clicking on the following link:

APCS-A Syllabus 2022-23 :- Course Overview on Canvas

Best wishes with the new semester and I look forward to work together with you have a truly successful experience in this class!



  1. Be respectful, of people & property.

  2. Be prepared (on-time, on-task and positive).

  3. Be persistent and have an open mind.

  4. Always give your best effort.

  5. Take ownership of your learning.

  6. Help peers.

  7. Follow school policy.

  8. Be creative with your work & projects.

Classroom Standards:

1. Respect: respect and encourage fellow students, yourself, and the teacher, allowing us to benefit from all our contributions.

2. Safety: always act safely, follow safety procedures, and help others to act the safest; the limb you save may be your own.

3. Learning: participate in the learning process by listening to, suggesting and trying out new ideas.

4. Teamwork: assist other by sharing your skills cooperatively to help everyone succeed.