Marco Gerini-Romagnoli, Ph.D. (he/him)
Asst. Prof. - Mechanical Engineering
Site Manager - NSF IUCRC for Composite and Hybrid Materials Interfacing (CHMI)
Oakland University, Rochester MI (USA)


About me

I am an Assistant Professor in the Mechanical Engineering Department at Oakland University, with affiliations to the Fastening and Joining Research Institute (FAJRI) and the NSF IUCRC for Composite and Hybrid Materials Interfacing (CHMI).

My work in the area of solid mechanics focuses on material joining (mainly adhesives and bolted joints), polymers, and polymer-matrix composites. Together with my colleagues and student researchers, I primarily work on:

I am currently looking for prospective motivated, energetic, and capable graduate students, willing to "get their hands dirty", for fully-funded Research Assistant positions. If this resonates with you, please contact me (email in the footer).
