
English Department Remote Learning

Welcome to English at Oak Bank School. This is our remote learning page where you will be able to access your online learning while you are not in school. We have also put together some useful and interesting links, from free books to our favourite poets.

If you need any help with your online learning please feel free to contact the English team at clongfils@oakbank.beds.sch.uk or vkemp@oakbank.beds.sch.uk

Try your best with the work while we have to work in these strange times, and In the words of England's most famous author, William Shakespeare;

"To climb hills requires a slow pace at first.

Remote Learning Instructions

1. Your teacher will set work on Google classroom so please monitor the platform closely

2. You should complete work each day according to your timetable

3. Work should be completed in Google classroom unless you are told to do something else. You can photo, email or post.

4. If you have a problem or need to ask a question, contact your teacher over Google Meet or via email

5. If you finish all your work, access the live classrooms for additional lessons.

KS3 Live Lessons https://classroom.google.com/c/MTk2MzE0NjUxMzcw

KS4 Live Lessons https://classroom.google.com/c/MTk2MzczNTAxNzc2

Remote Learning Weekly

Here is an overview of your remote learning, this will be updated weekly so please keep an eye on it to make sure you're up to date.

English Remote Learning Overview


Remember reading is the best way to develop our vocabulary and understanding. Once you have read any of your set books you can do the quiz to gain 100 VIVO’s. This will also benefit and count towards your reading progress targets.

Additionally, if you are doing other books in other subjects or just a book at home you are enjoying, you can do the quiz and gain the same rewards!

Visit the website below to complete quizzes on books you have read.

https://ukhosted50.renlearn.co.uk/2204762 - Renaissance Website

Free Online Reading Resources

Poet of the Half Term

Check out the work of Michael Rosen's and vote for your favourite below!

Useful Websites