Research Seed Grants


The Application is Closed


The Racial Equity in Technology Entrepreneurship (RETE) Workshop is  committed to promoting racial equity in technology entrepreneurship by supporting  research projects at the intersection of race, innovation, technology, and  entrepreneurship. Through our seed grant program, we aim to provide financial  assistance and resources to researchers who are investigating critical issues and  proposing innovative solutions in this field. Grantees may receive up to $10,000 to  support their research project. Additional student prizes may be granted in an amount  not to exceed $5,000 at the discretion of the review committee. These guidelines will  provide you with the necessary information to apply for a seed grant that aligns with the  mission of the Racial Equity in Technology Entrepreneurship Workshop. 

Purpose of the Seed Grant: 

The purpose of the seed grant is to support research  projects that explore and address issues at the intersection of race, innovation,  technology, and entrepreneurship. We encourage applicants to focus on areas such as but not limited to: 

Application Process: To apply for the seed grant, please follow the steps outlined. below:  

Important Dates: 

Review Process: 

All submitted proposals will undergo a rigorous review process by a  committee of experts in the field of racial equity, innovation, technology, and  entrepreneurship. Proposals will be evaluated based on the following criteria: 


Grant recipients will be notified via email, and their names will be publicly announced on  the RETE Workshop website. 

Contact Information: If you have any questions or need further clarification, please  reach out to Nena Ugwuomo at She will be happy to assist you  throughout the application process. 

We look forward to receiving your research proposals and working together to promote  racial equity in technology entrepreneurship. 


Rachel M. B. Atkins 


Racial Equity in Technology Entrepreneurship Workshop