Medication and Pharmacies


Please note that many medications that are available abroad are also available in Italy, although brands, dosage, and composition may vary. Students who take prescription medication should check with GeoBlue in advance to ensure that their medication is available in Italy, and if it isn’t, plan to bring an adequate supply with them upon arrival.  Students can do so by checking the GeoBlue website or contacting the Office of Student Life (  The staff will confer with doctors and pharmacies and get back to you.

Foreign prescriptions are not accepted in Italy.  They must be translated and rewritten by a local doctor.  Medical documentation may be required in order to obtain a translated prescription, so be sure to bring your doctor’s diagnosis, the generic name for your medication, and any treatment statements with you.

Please note that shipping medication, including over-the-counter medicine and vitamins, results in issues with Italian customs.  Packages containing medication are stopped at customs and inspected, and documentation from local doctors is required for release. Upon receipt of documentation, customs officials may authorize delivery of the package with hefty fees to the receiver or return the package to sender at the sender’s expense (this usually happens when the same medication is available locally).  The OSL strongly discourages students from receiving medication of any kind by mail or courier.

Finally, note that in Italy, ADHD medications are not available to anyone 18 years of age and older.  If you take these medications, please plan accordingly. If you do not have a sufficient supply to last your full study period abroad, arrange to have family or friends visit you during the semester and bring you your medication.  If this is not possible, ask the OSL or the campus psychologist for assistance in finding a solution.

Medication Reimbursement

If medication is prescribed by a local doctor, remember to keep the receipts, as in many cases, GeoBlue will refund you for this expense. 

Please ask in the OSL for details. 


Pharmacists in Italy are trained extensively and qualified to give medical advice for minor ailments.  Tell the pharmacist what’s ailing you, what medications you’re taking and to which you’re allergic, and they will suggest what you should take. Antibiotics and many other medicines are provided only with a prescription from a doctor.  Prescription medication tends to relatively inexpensive. There are hundreds of pharmacies scattered throughout Florence, and some of them are open 24 hours a day. During nocturnal hours, patrons may need to ring a doorbell for service. 

24/7 pharmacy information: "Farmacia Comunale Santa Maria Novella - Apoteca Natura", Piazza della Stazione, 055216761

Find below some suggested pharmacies.