Compustat-Dealscan Linking table

For our paper "Renegotiation Costs and Debt Contract Design" (available on SSRN) Elia Ferracuti and I created an extension of the linking table created by Sudheer Chava and Micheal Roberts (Chava and Roberts, 2008). If you use this linking table please cite our paper in addition to theirs:

Ferracuti, Elia and Morris, Arthur, Renegotiation Costs and Debt Contract Design (June 6, 2018). 28th Annual Conference on Financial Economics and Accounting; Available at SSRN: or

From "Renegotiation Costs and Debt Contract Design":

"Traditionally, papers in this area have relied on the linking table created by Sudheer Chava and Micheal Roberts (Chava and Roberts, 2008) and distributed by the Wharton Research Data System. This linking table, however, ends in 2012, the year when TD9599 was enacted. We extend the Chava and Roberts linking table to 2014 using a 3-step algorithm. First, we search Compustat for GVKEYs identified by Chava and Roberts that remain active in the post-2012 period. Second, we use a Python token-matching script to identify candidate matches based on borrower names as reported in DealScan and Compustat. This matching script produces a confidence statistic, which we use to tag suspect matches. Third, we verify the suspect matches by hand."

Update: Dr. Roberts has since posted an extended Dealscan-Compustat link on his website and WRDS. This extends the link through 2017. We are grateful to Dr. Robert's for acknowledging our contribution to this effort.
