Lisette Mejia

About me

My name is Lisette Mejia, I'm currently a senior at the Urban Assembly New York Harbor School, which is located at Governors Island,NY

I am a student in the Marine Biology Research Program, where I'm currently researching How Microbeads affect Oysters' Health and Feeding Rate.

Along with doing research, I was also the only girl on Harbor Sharks varsity soccer team.

More About Me

I was born on June 10th, 2002 I live Borough Park, Brooklyn with my mother, older sister and my niece and my dog named Bella.

My Myers-Briggs test results is ESFJ (extraversion, sensing, feeling and judgement) meaning I tend to be empathetic, warm hearted and supportive. I am viewed to be a social butterfly and be highly aware of others' needs. Some strengths I have is that I'm not intimated by challenges.


I grew a passion for photography at the age of 13 and as you can tell by the photos which were taken by me but one of my favorite things to take pictures of is the sky, flowers and people, animals mostly nature.

" Lost in my space thoughts"

" The bird and roses"

" La Calavera Catrina y su flor"

Drawing to me is one of my ways of expressing my feelings. My interest for art grew after learning more about Frida kahlo.

I have been playing soccer since I was 8 years old. The love for soccer is just unexplainable but the amount of things this sport has taught me is something I will always cherish. "say more with your feet than you ever could with words"- Messi
