113-1  Introduction to Algorithms




Slides & Lecture Notes

9/3 (Tue)
9/5 (Thu)

Comparison-Based Sorting Algorithms

Sorting in O(n^2) and O(n log n) time

Asymptotic Notations

1-Intro.pdf (updated 9/3),  

2-AsympNotations.pdf (slightly updated 9/7)

-- HW1 is announced. Due: 9/19 (Thu) 5pm --

-- Program Assignment I is announced. Due: 9/22 (Sun) 23:59 -- 
[ Notes to Read ] - Graham-Scan and etc.

9/10 (Tue)
9/12 (Thu)

More on Sorting Algorithms

Ω(n log n)-Time Lower-bound
    for Comparison-based sorting algorithms,

Sorting Algorithms in O(n) time.

Solving Recurrences

** Program Assignment I - an introduction ** 

-- HW2 is announced. Due: 9/26 (Thu) 5pm --

9/19 (Thu)

Binary Search

-- Program Assignment II is announced. Due: 10/6 (Sun) 23:59 -- 
[ Notes to Read ] (updated 9/18) - Randomized Quicksort and etc.

9/24 (Tue)
9/26 (Thu)


Fast Fourier Transform (FFT)

(updated 9/24) 

(updated 9/26) 

10/1 (Tue)

Median & k-th Order Selection

-- HW3 is announced. Due: 10/17 (Thu) 5pm --

-- Program Assignment III is announced. Due: 10/20 (Sun) 23:59 -- 
[ Notes to Read ] (updated, 9/18) for Segment Trees.

10/8 (Tue)

Balanced Binary Tree Structures 

Heap and HeapSort
    Segment Tree

[ Notes ] (updated, 9/18)
for Segment Trees

-- The remaining content & slides are not finalized yet and are subject to change --

10/15 (Tue)
10/17 (Thu)

(Balanced) Binary Search Trees (BSTs)

Treap, Red-Black Tree


W8 - 10/22

*** Midterm Exam ***

Greedy Algorithms and General Proving Strategies

 W9 - 10/29,31

Dynamic Programming

-- ProgHW - IV --

W10 - 11/5,7

Amortized Analysis

Elementary Graph Algorithms

 W11 - 11/12,14

Biconnected Components & Articulation Points

Strongly Connected Components

-- ProgHW - V --

W12 - 11/19,21

Disjoint Set Operation

Minimum Spanning Tree

 W13 - 11/26,28

The Shortest Path Problem

-- ProgHW - VI --

 W14 - 12/3,5

Maximum Flow & Minimum Cut

 W15 - 12/10,12

String Algorithms

NP-Completeness and Reductions

 W16 - 12/17

*** Final Exam ***