NVOT Extra Help
Below please find a list of resources NVOT provides to support our students & parents for continued success. Please click the menu options above for more detailed and contact information.
Academic Skills: Please email Ms. Reinfried (Library Media Specialist) at reinfried@nvnet.org to schedule a session at a time that's convenient for you.
Sessions can cover: questions about research & resources, time management, study skills & more.
Math, Writing, & Support Center : Teachers are available for student support daily during student lunch.
National Honor Society: Our NHS students can provide specific subject tutoring. This will be located in the media center during student lunch.
Wellness Center : The Wellness center is designed to help students access supports that address all dimensions of wellness, including physical, mental, emotional, and social. Ms. Greco or Dr. Restivo can be reached through: https://sites.google.com/nvnet.org/nvotwellnesscenter/home
Guidance Department: Your guidance counselors can be a liaisons/resource for finding the fit to what is needed