Our Philosophy
Excellent teaching and learning every day
The mission of the Northern Valley Curriculum Center is to provide professional learning opportunities that enhance the professional practices of all stakeholders. The Center recognizes and supports the philosophy that all professional learning is directed to the goal of increasing student achievement.
NVCC builds the capacity of educators to establish and sustain highly effective instructional practices.
Effective professional learning is fundamental to student learning.
All educators have an obligation to improve their practice.
More students achieve when educators assume collective responsibility for student learning.
Successful leaders create, model, and sustain a culture of learning.
Improving student learning and professional practice requires ongoing systemic and organizational change.
Strategic Priorities Overview
NVCC works to address the needs of the learning community through support in three distinct yet overlapping areas. The NVCC's strategic plan is designed to advance the successful integration of an effective curriculum.
Working to support the necessary growth in continuous learning the areas of focus fall into the categories of Curriculum writing and revision, Professional Development for all school stakeholders, and special projects that are planned to meet unexpected challenges that affect the curriculum.
You can contact the Northern Valley Curriculum Center by calling Nathalie Covo at
201-768-2200 ext. 12270 or via email: covo@nvnet.org.
All Content © Copyright Northern Valley Curriculum Center - All Rights Reserved
Northern Valley Curriculum Center 162 Knickerbocker Rd, Demarest, NJ 07627 201-768-2200 x12270