What Am I Doing?

This project is a 7 slide slideshow that is a culmination of three research questions you create based on a curricular topic in the 8th Grade CDW curriculum. You will follow "The Big 6 Steps of Research" to:

  1. Choose A Topic (#1 Task Definition)

  2. Formulate 3 Research Questions (#2 Information Seeking Strategies)

  3. Research Your Topic/Questions (#3 Location & Access) (#4 Use Of Information)

  4. Put Your Information Into A Slideshow (#5 Synthesis)

  5. Present & Reflect (#6 Evaluation)

*More On The Big 6: https://thebig6.org/thebig6andsuper3-2*

Below are the instructional slideshow and topic list we will be using in class

8th Grade Research Lessons
8th Grade Research Topics to Choose From

You will have a copy of the graphic organizer posted below in your google classroom, but for reference this is what you will be filling out as you complete your research before making the presentation

8th Grade Research Graphic Organizer

The following slideshow is a template for how your final slideshow should be organized

8th grade research final slideshow example

The following is the rubric you will be graded on for this project

2022 8R Project Rubric