Poster Session


Best Paper Award: DefGraspSim: Simulation-based grasping of 3D deformable objects (paper | poster) by Isabella Huang, Yashraj Narang, Clemens Eppner, Balakumar Sundaralingam, Miles Macklin, Tucker Hermans, and Dieter Fox

Honorable Mention: DeformerNet: A Deep Learning Approach to 3D Deformable Object Manipulation (paper | poster) by Bao Thach, Alan Kuntz, and Tucker Hermans

Third Place: Advanced Environments from Basic Simulations: Dynamic 3D Tasks with Topologically Non-trivial Deformable Objects (paper | poster) by Peiyang Shi*, Rika Antonova*, and Danica Kragic

Accepted Posters:

Poster Session FAQ:

Submission Timeline and Instructions:

We invite submissions to our poster session from the robotics, simulation, and all related communities, on deformable object simulation and/or applications of such simulators.

Sunday, June 20:

Extended abstracts are due via our CMT submission page at 11:59 PM PT. The abstracts must be submitted as PDFs using the RSS 2021 LaTeX or Word paper template. The abstracts must have a maximum length of 2 pages, not including references. There is no requirement for specific section headers. An appendix containing additional figures and information can be uploaded as a supplemental document. All abstracts will undergo double-blind peer review; however, reviewers will not be required to review appendices.

Thursday, July 1:

Acceptance decisions will be announced via CMT.

Friday, July 9:

Camera-ready (i.e., final) version of abstract and poster are due via our CMT submission page at 11:59 PM PT. The poster must be a one-page PDF. There is no required template. However, please verify that the posters will be readable to viewers on a standard laptop screen during the interactive poster session.

Monday, July 12

RSS begins. Extended abstracts and posters will be posted on this website. Authors may also post them to arXiv if desired.

Thursday, July 15:

Day of workshop. Poster presenters will deliver lightning talks (i.e., up-to-60-second elevator pitches of their work) and participate in the virtual poster session (see Schedule of Events for specific timing).

The best poster of the workshop, as selected by the workshop organizers, will receive an NVIDIA GPU prize.