How Do I Know Who Is Coded As Homeless?
Per guidance from SchoolHouse Connection, a national advocacy organization, the statement below has been shared with the CCSD Legal team and has been agreed upon that students identified as homeless should NOT be flagged in Infinite Campus.
Homeless Tool
Title I HOPE Eligibility
Click on Homeless tab to see if there is an entry for the current school year. A status will only be created for those who have been identified as homeless.
If the family has successfully completed OLR, the student has already self-identified as H/M, D, STH, U (Hotel/Motel, Doubled Up, Shelter, Unsheltered)
If all the above has been completed, the student qualifies for Title I HOPE services. Proceed with assessing other needs.
AdHoc Report
Instructions on Building Title I HOPE AdHoc Report Instructions
Select AdHoc Reporting>Filter Designer>Query Wizard>Student>Create
Select fields: You can use the Filter By box to search the Selected field. First Student-Demographics next filter Learner-Homeless-next Custom Homeless-last active enrollment. Review the Selected Fields
Match the Fields
Add the Column Headers and Correct Alignment
Name the Query then Save and Test
AdHoc Reports Instruction
In the Ad Hoc folder, scroll down to SPECPRO-Title I HOPE Students.
Right Click on the report.
Highlight the Ad Hoc Report; click “Test” to run a list of HOPE students.
RUN THIS REPORT WEEKLY/BI-MONTHLY: This report will give you the most up to date information on students who have qualified either through Online Registration or Student Residency Form. Please meet with new students to assess needs and provide resources to families and unaccompanied homeless youth.
H-Variance Code
The H Variance code should only be used when a student is approved to return to their School of Origin through Title I HOPE.
Additionally, Title I HOPE staff does not update addresses or change the variance coding.