Las clases de español

Sra. Barbarita

Barbarita Open House 2022-2023

Welcome Letter:  

Queridos estudiantes y padres:

Welcome to the beginning of an exciting new year at Coronado High School! I am looking forward to meeting all of you in the near future. Our Open House this year will be held on August 24. You will find more information on our school website. I have been teaching at Coronado High School since 2012, although I have been teaching in Clark County School District since 1992.  

 I want to congratulate you and your son/daughter for choosing to study a foreign language. Knowledge of a second language not only enhances one's opportunities in the job market, but it also helps develop and reinforce skills that are essential to academic study.

 On this website you will find a course description as well as the student expectations and procedures. Please remember the Coronado Student Handbook can be found on the Coronado WebsiteTake a moment to read and discuss these with your son/daughter. With your help and support, I am sure that this school year will be a very successful and positive year for your child.

 If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me:  or 702-799-6800 x 3313.

 Muchas gracias in advance for your time and support.


Mrs. Barbarita

Your class will be in CANVAS.  You will access Canvas via Clever.  Use your CCSD AD log in, which is what you use for your CCSD gmail account.  To access any and all of the class materials, you will need to use your CCSD gmail, and not your personal email account.

Spanish 1 Course Expectations

Barbarita Spanish 1 Course Expectations 2023-24.docx

Spanish 3H Course Expectations

Barbarita Spanish 3H Course Expectations 2023-24.docx