Applications of Signal Processing Laboratory (ASP-LAB)

Welcome to ASP-LAB

The main focus of our research activities is to investigate novel signal processing & machine learning techniques for "Acoustic & Biomedical" applications.

We are living in an era where Artificial Intelligence (AI) and AI-based technologies are becoming integral parts of our daily lives. When we discuss AI, the ultimate goal is to develop "machines" that possess intelligence that is as close as possible to natural human intelligence. As humans, we utilize various sensors, such as stereo microphones (ears) and stereo cameras (eyes), as well as an "intelligent" processor (brain), to learn and make decisions. Our natural intelligence, aided by our body sensors (for touch, smell, and feel), allows us to perform tasks such as determining direction and distance (source localization), communicating in diverse and noisy environments (blind source separation - a cocktail party problem), recognizing and identifying sounds (sound recognition), understanding the overall environment based on various sounds (acoustic scene classification), and more. Ideally, we aim to equip "intelligent" humanoid robots with all of these capabilities. Therefore, we strive to contribute to the advancement of AI systems from the perspectives of signal processing and machine learning. 

In addition, we are eager to develop novel solutions on the basis of the so-called classical signal processing techniques, viz., digital signal processing, adaptive filtering, Fourier and Wavelet transformation, Independent component analysis. The applications of interest include, but are not limited to: active noise control, digital hearing aids, and acoustic echo cancellation.

You are very welcome to join us to share your ideas and work together!