3 May 2020

Presentation debrief

The team got together for a e-meeting for the presentation debrief and direction setting. We intended to go through the valuable feedback received during the presentation and plot the course for the next few months.

  • The feedback that stood out for us would be that of the education model. It was a factor that we have not previously thought of and agreed that it was a decision we have to make going forward.

  • We noted that video is one channel that we should investigate. Pictorial and text-based education has limited effectiveness in education.

  • There is a need to have a criteria for tutors to ensure proper quality assurance for engagements. With that, tutors need to also have expectations managed.

  • Barrier to entry for primary school students as they might not be familiar with telegram. That is one of the key points of the business and hence it is an important factor.

  • The concern remains that there might be attempts to bypass the company.

Throughout our feedback review, there were numerous ideas bounced around and subsequent mini-discussions. Sheryll brought up that it was important to have a format to archive our ideas during brainstorm sessions. We proceed to note down our ideas and compiled a feasibility guideline for the near future.

The team then voted and shortlisted a few ideas to think about and present for the next meeting. Time to get some rest!