27 May 2020

The Work-From-Home Experience

A quick summary

What a month! The past few weeks have seen progress in various departments. We have adopted a work arrangement that focused on our strengths and it has seen more efficient results. These fields encompasses:

  1. Teaching material. We required materials and notes to offer as a value added service that would give us additional product differentiation to not only our clients but to our partners.

    • We drew inspirations from our own learning experiences and personal materials in order to generate mtaterials. It was important to ensure that we are familiar with the material we will be working with. It would enhance the level of polish and professionalism for the services rendered.

  2. Legal matters. From our feedback sessions and brainstorming sessions we noted that there may be issues that compromises operations. In order to alleviate such occurrences, we looked into adopting legal methods for our business practices.

    • We contacted our friends in the law industry to gain insight to our practices. It was a in depth sharing for which clarified the grey areas and helped us avoid any potential messy situations.

  3. Marketing. This aspect was more pressing as we had to get the word out amongst a saturated market. It was also notable that the industry has seen a slightly lower engagement and activity due to the circuit breaker measures that might allow us a window of opportunity.

    • We generated marketing materials in native formats for several channels that are popular with our target audiences. We also looked into bang-for-the-buck solutions or free marketing channels in order to avoid racking up heavy marketing expenses.

  4. Manpower. In order to manage the large amount of material and the coming actual teaching of the batching, we sent out requests to join the team as teaching associates. The management and contacting of these group of helpful people would prime them into the method of operations for the coming phase.

    • We are looking into defining a standardised SOP for the lessons conducted and simplified and concise terms of service to ensure that every stakeholder is aligned in understanding.

Going forward

The team acknowledges a few snags and obstacles but we look forward to the coming challenges. To iron these out, we look to roll out a trial implementation over the course of the month before expanding on operations and marketing. This would involve the marketing to personal connections and social circles at discounted rates for our test batches.

We've also rolled out surveys to better understand the target group and the encompassing factors that would make a purchasing decision. The coming month of June will be a month of product and operations testing.

We look forward to seeing the results of our test phase and how we can expand if successful, or pivot if not. Here goes!