10 August 2020

Expectations vs Reality

Another quick summary

Over the course of the past month, we have unfortunately seen slow progress in terms of responses to our outreach. As we have set up our operations by procuring presentable teaching material in digital formats, clarifying our legal standpoint and arranging the available manpower- what was holding us back was the lack of effective sales and marketing.

So far, we have attempted multiple advertising campaigns in the form of Facebook and Instagram advertisement campaigns and also published marketing material to personal social media accounts. It is unfortunate that while there is interest, there seems to be a lack of leads generated. As we gather feedback from our peers and members of our targeted demographics, we adjusted our marketing approach and had no luck. We have rolled out additional free trials on top of our discounted pricing for the first month subscription of our service but unfortunately have not received much response.

From our consultation in August, it was highlighted and emphasised that testimonials might be the key to overcoming this obstacles as it is generally a fresh/untested model. In addition, we are a generally unknown company that would not have much to convince potential consumers. We have thus set out to at least conduct lessons for students and in return gather feedback on the operation and testimonials.

We will be contacting various organisations to conduct these free lessons that would in turn benefit both parties. At the same time, we gather marketing materials in the form of screenshots, testimonials, lesson recordings that we may use in order to show an insight to our processes.

A path considered

Alongside our attempts to pursue this source of sales, we have also considered other forms of revenue. One of which is the digital past year paper packages. This is built on the cultural tradition of parents purchasing past year papers from various institutions for their children to practice in the months running up to major examinations. We have done initial brainstorming of this plausible pivot as we do have existing material that could be readily packaged into a digital format for distribution. It is an interesting time to both observe and adapt to the transformation of traditions.