
Principal Investigator

Nien-Tsu (Joe) Huang 黃念祖, Ph.D. Email: Google Scholar


Department of Electrical Engineering,

Graduate Institute of Biomedical Electronics and Bioinformatics,

National Taiwan University Office: MD522 Tel: +886-2-3366-1775

Brief Biography: Nien-Tsu Huang received his B.S. in Mechanical Engineering and the M.S. in Applied Mechanics from National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, in 2003 and 2005. He received the Ph. D. degree in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, in 2012. Following a post-doctoral training in the Mechanical Engineering and C.S. Mott Children's Hospital at the University of Michigan, he joined National Taiwan University as an assistant professor in 2013.

Major Research Areas: Bio-MEMS, Optical-MEMS, Microfluidics, Bio-sensing, Cell Manipulation in Microenvironment, Micro/Nano Fabrication Techniques


D06 官大涵

R09 辛旻諺

R10 劉子瑜

R10 陳彥安

R10 李王鈞

R10 林明儁

R11 黃宣融

R11 顧啟耀

R11 熊彥程

R11 葉冠均

RA 趙伯宣


Research Assistant 曾翊銘

R08 林上竣

R08 謝佳諭

R08 賴芷萱

B06 陳怡孜

R09 陳曉汶

R09 謝家靖

R07 陳品帆

R07 廖證傑

R07 張瑞

R07 賴彥廷

R06 黃昱豪

R06 陳志翔

R06 黃秀剛


R06 吳佳蒨


R05 朱聖瀚

Military Service

R05 張凱崴

Ph.D. at University of Michigan

R05 林子涵

Schneider Electric

R05 林琪蓁

Ph.D. at Boston University

R04 黃郁蓁

台灣美光 Micron Technology

R04 王怡穎

百瑞精鼎 Parexel

R04 黃舒鴻


R04 蘇威宇

R03 楊昇

台積電 TSMC

R03 張郁欣


R03 黃柏承

R02 林俊叡

R02 楊荃凱

Last edit 2022/09