REPRO 124 : Uterus 

Squamous cell carcinoma

Specimen 167.mp4

REPRO 124 : Uterus – Squamous cell carcinoma


The patient a female aged 30 had been married for 7 years and had 2 children and one miscarriage. Her labours had been normal. For 2 months she had had menorrhagia and metrorrhagia. The cervix bled freely on touching but the uterus was quite mobile. There was some glandular enlargement which was more marked on the left side.


Consists of uterus, tubes, and ovaries which have been completely removed by wertheims operation. The cervix is enlarged by a diffuse growth which is breaking down in the region of the external os. Several enlarged lymph nodes are seen on the R. of the specimen (corresponding to the L of the pelvis). These contain deposits of secondary squamous cell carcinoma.

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Reproductive Medicine and Child Health Index