REPRO 123 : Uterus - Hysterectomy

Specimen 166.mp4

REPRO 123 : Uterus - Hysterectomy


The patient was a woman aged 45 who had suffered with leucorrhoea for several years and menorrhagia for six months. A D&C had been performed which had relieved her for a fortnight. On examination the uterus was large and there was a deep tear in the cervix (seen from the back of the specimen) Total hysterectomy and bilateral oophorectomy were performed and recovery was uneventful.


The specimen consists of a uterus which has been opened together with its tubes and ovaries. The uterus is generally hypertrophic and the endometrium seen as a zone of translucency 1/32 " wide, left of lumen, is thicker than normal. Both ovaries are the seat of follicular cysts.

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Reproductive Medicine and Child Health Index