REPRO 117 : Placenta – Normal – Succenturiate lobe

Specimen 117.mp4

REPRO 117 : Placenta – Normal – Succenturiate lobe


Primigravida; LMP 18.10.34. EDD 18.7.35. Admitted 7.6.35. Patient was first admitted to hospital on 7th June, 1935, with slight ante-partum bleeding. There was no further haemorrhage and examination failed to reveal any sign of placenta praevia. She was discharged on 15th June 1935. On the evening of her discharge she had a further attack of haemorrhage, lasting about 6 hours, and she was readmitted early on 16th June in labour. Spontaneous delivery with normal loss. Female child 4lbs 12oz. Duration of labour 4 hrs 15 mins. Subsequent progress of mother and child good.


The specimen consists of the placentae and membrane, without disease, but showing the lower pole a separate (succenturiate) accessory lobule. Vessels connecting it to the main placenta can be seen crossing the intervening space. Such accessory lobes are due to the persistence of some chronic villi in the chorion laeve.

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Reproductive Medicine and Child Health Index