REPRO 111 : Fallopian tube – Ectopic pregnancy

Specimen 111.mp4

REPRO 111 : Fallopian tube – Ectopic pregnancy


Married 7 years, no pregnancy. Periods regular but scanty. From mid June 1951 for six weeks, morning vomiting. One week later given stilboestrol for seven weeks. One month later developed brown vaginal discharge and later pain in the iliac fossa. A fortnight later laparotomy was performed and specimen removed.


The specimen consists of the left fallopian tube. A window has been cut over the mid-portion to expose within the lumen a mass of laminated blood clot. The tube is obviously dilated in the part but there is no evidence of erosion of the wall and no trophoblastic elements can be seen.

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Reproductive Medicine and Child Health Index