REPRO 108 : Cervix – Cervical Cancer – Squamous Cell Carcinoma

Specimen 108.mp4

REPRO 108 : Cervix – Cervical Cancer – Squamous Cell Carcinoma


Patient, who had two children, was admitted complaining of menorrhagia and dysmenorrhoea of four years duration, and a vaginal discharge for three years. There was no history of intermenstrual haemorrhage. On examination an irregularly nodular growth of cauliflower type was found involving the cervix. The uterus was retroverted. Apart from this the patient's general condition was good. A Wertheim hysterectomy was performed. Convalescence was interrupted by a urinary infection but this cleared up and the patient was discharged.


The specimen has been mounted intact, only the posterior wall of the vagina being reflected. The vaginal portion of the cervix is enlarged and has an irregularly nodular surface. It is not, however, crumbling and does not appear infected. Histological section have been taken from the anterior part of the cervix.

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Reproductive Medicine and Child Health Index