REPRO 105 : Uterus -Endometriosis

Specimen 105.mp4

REPRO 105 : Uterus - Endometriosis


Patient was admitted complaining of irregular and excessive periods for six months. Menarche 15 years, cycle 5/28. For the previous six months she had had irregular periods associated with a progressive increasing dysmenorrhoea. The cycle varied from 5-8 and 4-5/28 and the loss was greatly increased and she had passed frequent clots. There were no other significant symptoms. On examination: There was some tenderness and guarding in the lower abdomen. The uterus was enlarged and tender. Hb.65% Diagnosis: Uterine myomata. On 15.1.54 a total hysterectomy was carried out and the tubes and ovaries being conserved. She had a little post-operative pyrexia due to infection of blood clot but was finally discharged fit and symptom free.


Uterus 165mmx115mmx80mm. The specimen consists of one half of the uterus. In the body of the uterus, on right hand side, there is a rather poorly defined ovoid tumour, roughly 5x4cm. In this there are a number of tiny cavities with irregularly dispersed bands of fibres between them so that the whole mass has an irregular, variegate appearance quite different from that of the more uniform appearance of the adjacent uterine muscle. There are a few points of haemorrhage in this tumour. At the extreme top right corner there is a minute myoma. The cervical canal and the cervix show no significant abnormality.