RE 99 : Penis – Squamous cell carcinoma

Specimen 99.mp4

RE 99 : Penis – Squamous cell carcinoma


Patient had suffered from eczema for many years usually about the scrotum and behind the knees. Two months before admission he noticed eczema of his glans penis, but did not seek medical advice until actual ulceration had occurred. On examination, the glans was indurated and ulcerating. Small, hard glands were felt in both groins. A Pearce-Gould radical amputation of the penis was performed with removal of the penis, crura, scrotum, testicles and inguinal glands. On discharge, the wound was well healed and the patient's condition most satisfactory.


The specimen consists of the penis and scrotum with its contents. The entire glans is involved in a whitish fungating and ulcerating growth. The tumour seems to be still localised to the glans, no nodes being found elsewhere.

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Renal and Endocrine Index